Farkle's Announcement

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Like I said in the summary I have no idea where this is going. This is just a thought in my head, and I wanted to see what I can do with it.

So on with the story.

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Maya's POV

I look at Farkle shocked, and then I looked at Riley. How can I not noticed that my best friend still liked him, I thought. What kind of friend am I, scratch that what kind of best friend am I, I continued to think.

I turned to Lucas, and with that I made my mind. As long as my friends are happy, then I'm happy.

"Lucas, don't stand there go after her," I said, because by then Riley had ran out.

He looked a little hesitant to leave but sure enough he ran out and followed her. I walked up to Farkle, and slapped him upside the head.

"Oww," he said in pain, looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me, she still liked him, I would have stepped back," I said louder then I had wanted.

"She didn't want me to," he said, looking at me hesitantly, as if he suddenly realized something as I stared at him for awhile, until I decided that I had to go home.

"Fine but next time if something is bothering her, tell me," I said threateningly, before I walked out.

I heard Farkle call me but I kept walking away. I really should get home. I skipped down the stairs till I was outside. The streets were full and busy, but then this is a busy city, I thought, as I started to walk towards my neighborhood.

"Hey, wait up, " I heard someone say.

"What Farkle," I said, but I turned around and saw Zay and I stopped and let him catch up.

"Oh, hey," I said as he came up.

"You, okay," he asked in concern

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be," I said in confusion.

"Well you did just send off your crush to your friend so he can comfort her," he said. Is that a look of amusement in his eyes.

"First off, I don't like him I only did that because Riley had the crazy thought that I did, and Second-

"Okay let me stop you there, we both know your lying Maya, I know you like him, you just back off because for some reason you have this fixed mindset that Riley should come first," He said.

I opened my mouth to contradict him, but then he gave me a look.

I sighed, this is going to useless.

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