chapter 10

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I pay the man and quickly head upstairs.

I see harry put his head down looking lost in thoughts.

"Hey you okay?" i ask.

"Just peachy" he says looking up at me.

I smile and set the food out on the bed and start to dig in.

"So um...what did you have to tell me?"

"Huh? that" he says with eyes full of worry.

Jamie calm down.

I can't what If he is breaking up with me? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?

"What? No! I'm not breaking up with you and you did nothing wrong."

Shit I said that out loud.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to a beach house next Friday for the weekend...You know just me and you."

"Us?" i ask.

"Us" he confirms.

Right then he pulled me into a kiss.

Not a rough and dirty kiss but a sweet and passionate one.

I pull back to get air and I can't help but smile.

But fairytales always do come to end.

I have to go home today to be beaten and yelled at. I wish I could just pack my bags and leave and never come back but what about harry? or my cat Beaux.

I wish I could cry. But I can't not in front of Harry if he knew what my stepdad did he would kill him.

"Ok so want to watch a movie?" harry asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"U-um well it's not that I don't want to but I have to go home my parents are gonna kill me."


"Ok babe that's fine but I am gonna miss you."

He says as he pulls me towards him so our bodies are pressed together and my hands our omg his chest with arms around my waist.

He kisses me again. Gosh im head over heels for him and i love it.

We break apart and walk down the stairs hand in hand.

I grab my purse and head to the car then We get in and drive to my house. It was silent but i didnt mind. I kept seeing Harry glance over at me i think he can tell im deep in thought so thats why hes not talking to me.

We pull up to my house.

"Bye babe ill see you later" he says.

and leans over and kisses me.

"Bye harry" i giggle.

I watch him as he pulls away and i turn back to my house.

Theres no cars parked outside mabey they went to a bar. But as soon as i step in my house is complete cleaned out. Theres nothing here. The couch. Gone. The coffee table. Gone. The old picture Hanging on the wall. Gone. Did they leave me?

I mean.


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