chapter 2

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As i stare at the house again i feel Harry take my wrist and bring me upstairs.

"Sit on the bed and Ill be back in a second." He says politely.

He exits the room as i start to look around it. Suprisingly it wasnt covered in sports and naked girls. Its a....natural looking room. It looks nice but a little messy i mean it is a teenagers bedroom but its nice.

He comes back in with clothes,food,drinks, movies,and blankets.

He directs me to the bathroom which i didnt really listen because i was to busy being confused of why Hes being so nice to me. So i went to the first bathroom i saw.

I stripped and got in. i washed my hair and body while thinking about everything thats happened tonight.

i stepped out and looked in the mirror i saw a broken girl covered in bruises. Oh Shit! My bruises! i dont have any makeup to cover them! What am i going to do?!?

i needed to think and quick maybe his sister has some makeup downstairs in her room. So i ringed out my hair and covered me with a towle.

I walked out the bathroom whe- BAM! i ran into a hard chest i looked up and of course it was harry. He looked down at me and smirked. Wow i didnt realise how close we were are bodys were completely against each other. I felt like i could stay there forever but Hes hurts me so i pulled away.

i touched the first step to go downstairs when i heard harry say

"Wheres that bruise from?"

"I fell." i said sternly.

"Your lying. ....omg...did i do that?!?"

"No! like i told you i fell just leave it alone ok?" i said hoping he would just drop it.

He walked over to me and caressed my bruise on my cheek with his hand. i flenched at his touch.

"If you everyone need anyone im here and words dont describe how sorry i so sorry know i will never hurt you again."

"Thank you harry."

"Who did this too you? Please dont lie to me....i can help you....if anyone hurts you please tell me ill kick there you understand me?"

"I fell...i promise." i lied.

"I have to Ask you a question." i said. here goes nothing.

"Yes love?" he asked me.

"Why did you pick on me and tell me so many bad things and tonight you save my life and let me sleep at your house?"

"I never wanted to hurt you but thats the only way i could get my anger out and you looked like an easy target and when i did i got friends and ...popular."

he came up to me.and hugged me. again we were really close and i was still only in my towel.

"and you will never know how sorry i am i cryed myself to sleep sometimes because of what i did to you..i-i hated hate m-me...i-i hate m-myself."

We wrapped around each other tighter as he started to cry in my shoulder.

"I dont hate you....i never did."

"What!?" he said as he looked at me with red eyes.

"I never hated you and i never will..i think your as lost as i am...i feel sorry for you and i knew why you did it even when you or nobody else did."

i said honestly.

"Omg i was scared you hated me. Thank you so much! i..kind of like you and i didnt want to you too hate me...if i was you i would hate me."

" you too." i said with a little smile.

He smiled at me as we looked into each others eyes after about 10 min he said

"Go get dressed babe" as he kissed me on the cheek and walked past me.

I know he beated me and i should hate him but i dont and i dont know if he felt it to but the place where he kissed me was exploding with tingles rite now.

I think i might love harry styles....

Harrys POV (short)

My lips are on fire rite now its crazy i hope im not the only one that felt it rite?

i sure as hell hope not!

i think i might be in love with jamie pierre......

(i will update tomorrow Lol night everyone) :p

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