Chapter 5~ The Thief's Cove

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I don't know why I recognized that voice, but I did. Something told me that this 'luke' person had been a very large part of my life before. I don't know if that was good or bad though........My vision started fuzzing and I felt like something was trying to break into my mind, it was giving me a headache.

I pushed against the person trying to enter my head, the headache got a little bit better and then went away completely. It felt as if there was a brick wall surrounding my thoughts and if I wanted it to fall down and project my thoughts across the town, I could, but somehow I knew that if I opened my mind to call for help,it would give everyone near me a glimpse at my most secret thoughts.

They were taking me to the road on the outside of the low brick wall surrounding the villiage to an inconspicuis-looking dark wood carriage. It was pulled by two large and fast looking horses. They were both a dark brownish/black colour, with matching white socks that reached to just below there knees. They looked like some sort of hy-brid draft horse.

Luke opened the door of the carriage for me, the inside was completely different from the outside. The white leather seats had golden fur trim and the cieling was covered in a glittering crystal. The floor was covered in the same golden fur that lined the seats and the compartments underneath the seats were this hard black looking substance that glinted like armor.

"Is the carriage up to your standards, princess?" Luke asked, the way he said 'princess' was like he hated the very word. I remained silent, if he was going to kidnap me, I wasn't going to make small talk.He sighed then jumped up into the carriage with me.

He slid the thick divider between the driver and us,"Start the carriage, viv", he said to the blond lady.

Then he shut the divider and turned to face me. This was the first time since I had been kidnapped that I got to look at him. The man was around five and twenty years and his face was strong and soft at the same time. He had long, black hair that he tied back with a ribbon and dark green eyes. He was dressed like a courtier with brown breeches, white stockings with brown dress shoes, a blue silk surcoat, a brown waistcoat, blue silk cravat, and a huge swordbelt.  His mocha colored skin was calloused though, giving away the fact that he was definietly not a courtier. When I looked up at his face again, he was staring at me with a knowing expression. I blushed, he had caught me examining him.

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

"I thought you were giving me the silent treatment", he said looking very serious. His face was completely unreadable , but his eyes sparkeled in humor. He grinned when he saw my face,"Didn't think I had a sense of humor, did you?"

"No, I thought you were a stuck up nobleman", I retorted, frowning.

I saw his face darken and then I felt a dull thud on my cheek, I cried out as he chuckeled, "Don't talk back, princess". My cheek was still stinging slightly, I almost harlot-slapped him right there in the carriage, but a soft sighing voice said, 'Not yet!" inside my head.

 I jumped, then relaxed, that wasnt really the strangest thing that had happened today. The voice seemed to be coming from outside, it was like I had a mental compass telling me which direction, and how far the person mentally contacting me was.

It was actually really helpful, like earlier, when I knew there was another person going to attack us. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had known. I looked out the window trying to spot the person belonging to the voice. All I could see outside the window was thick forests. I sighed, I was hoping that I would see the person who was able to access my mind.

I leaned my head against the window as luke said, "We have a long journey ahead of us". Then he whispered something unintelligable, I felt very sleepy all of a sudden. My eyes were closing without my permission and my head was sliding down the window. I could feel the darkness coming and the nice cool tendrils of sleep closing around my mind........

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