Chapter 4~My Life Story

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Damien didn't ask about blake, even though I know he wanted to. I could see it in his face and the way he was dropping "little" hints, that were not so little.

'Anything you want to tell me, Whit?'

'Hows your friend?'

'I would love to meet this friend of yours'.

'Whats his name again?'

'Im sure theres nothing important you want to tell me'............

Etcetera, etcetera.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore,"We almost kissed! That was it! It dosnt mean anything!"I shouted as we were walking around in the market.

Damien looked at me smirking,"I knew it!Ha!" I looked at him confused, I thought we were engaged.

"Huh? Shouldn't you be like, I don't know, Jealous?Or angry?" I asked him, slightly hurt that he didn't seem to care.

"We arnt really engaged whitney, you know this, but you always tell me about your crushes!I was slightly hurt", he looked at me, his face smirking and pouting at the same time.

"Huh?" I was still REALLY confused.

"Do you not remember?Sheesh", He said.

"No, I don't remember anything, AT ALL", I said, exasperated, waving my arms around.

"Oh, That explains alot", He smiled,"No wonder you've been acting wierd!"

I crossed my arms,"Tell me what I need to know", I said.

"Fine, Whatever. Okay, We've been best friends since we were little, I was four years older than you and the son of a very powerful man on elith. You, being the princess, must choose a husband before your 19th birthday or you will not be able to rule----"

"That's a stupid rule", I interrupted.

"Yes it is but shhhh, I'm telling the story", he said leading me to a bench underneath a willow tree, to anyone else it looked like two people in love wanting privacy. I snorted, and damien looked at me funny before resuming his tale.

"You didn't know of this rule until a couple months ago, there was a big drama with your father bringing in eligable knights and lords for you to pick from, you said that if you had to pick from one of these 'gold digging old puss-filled bastards' that you were going to hand the throne to your brother, Leo. Leo is a bit of a um......ladies man and he would probally run the kingdom into the ground. So youre father said you could pick whomever you wanted as long as it was before your 19th birthday. You started going out into the streets and visiting other lands and then one day, you just disapeared."

"I disapeared?"

"Yes you went out one day and you never came back, your father sent out spys and search partys, but he couldn't find you. Then, Rina attacked. While your father was sending out all his soldiers and spys to find you, Rina came across the river and started attacking the settelments along the coast, it was horrible, and then, weeks later, the attacks stopped and you were found in that forest with an evolope on your chest, It was a little freaky".

"A little?"

Damien glared at me,"Okay, alot freaky, but I kissed you and you woke up so we thought that the last part was just to freak us out----"

A horrible thought occured to me,"Damien? How many guys kissed me before they asked you?"

He looked uncomfortable but he answered anyways,"Alot, you're father promised your hand in marriage to the one who could wake you up, I told him I didn't want it, but he wouldnt take no for an answer". I groaned and put my head in my hands, this was horrible.

I felt a comforting hand on my back,"There, there it's going to be fine!"he cooed softly.

I shook his hand off,"No it's not!I still don't know anything that Ive learned over the past----.How old am I?"I looked at him.

"You turned 19 the day you woke up",He said, "And don't worry!I'll start teaching you!"He smiled."Hey we can start right now!"He said pointing to the tall, slim woman standing in front of us dressed in ninja clothes,"That, is someone who wants to kill you". Then he seemed to realize what he said.....

The ninja lady had her shoulder length blond hair pulled back into a tight bun and her dull brown eyes were framed by long thin lashes. Her ninja outfit consisted of tight black leggings tucked into black leather boots. Her black sword belt cinched around her hips, keeping her black sleeveless tunic from swirling outwards everytime she turned. She was wearing a cloak that she had pushed backwards off of her arms showing me the black and red tatoos running up her arms, coming to an end behind her ears. Her face was blank of all emotion as her lips moved, mouthing words that looked, dangerous? Suddenly I felt my arms stiffen, I tried to move them but I couldn't. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. I tried to turn to look at damien, but a soft voice that clashed with the image in front of me said,"I wouldn't do that if I were you". I knew that voice from somewhere, but big surprise, I couldn't place it.

I glared at her as she pulled a vial thing from her sword belt. She walked up to me, but she turned to damien, she placed the needle to his neck. I tried to screem, to tell someone that the princess was being attacked, but no sound came from my mouth. I watched damiens eyes go blank and close, then he slumped against bench. The woman turned to me and pulled out a thin chain from her sword belt which she wrapped around my ankle.

"If you try to scream, or run, or do anything I don't tell you to, that chain will notify me and it will freeze you in place, just like you are now",she yawned,"Now im going to let you go, don't scream".

Suddenly my body was free, I slumped to the bench before straightening up and standing. She looked surprised, but didn't say anything, she motioned for me to follow her and turned around. That was when I tried to scream, just as suddenly as I had been unfrozen moments ago, I was frozen........again. My mouth hanging open, I mustve looked comical because the woman snorted and started laughing.

"Whats so funny, vivien?"A smooth voice said from behind me,"We have a carriage to catch". If I wasnt already frozen, I wouldv, because that voice was the only one I had recognized. I only knew one thing about that voice, and that was it's owners name,



So I guess theres not going to be a love triangle*Sigh*

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