Ch 17: Shoot First ask Questions Later?

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Calla POV:

I woke up terrified with no real reason why.

Kaden was up soon after I started trying to scramble out of bed, delirious. "Calla. Calla! calm down!"

Strong arms wrapped around me, startling me for a moment before I realized who it was. "Kaden?"

"Who else?" His smile was warm but worried.

I sniffled a bit. "It felt like I was drowning."

He reached behind us and took a tissue from the nightstand, slowly wiping something from my face.

He tried to hide it as he tossed the tissue but I noticed the red gleam in the dim light. My eyes went wide, " I bleeding?"

He shushed me and kissed the top of my head, "just a side effect of the sickness relax. Try to get some sleep."

"What? How could I sleep?! I was  bleeding!"

He hushed me, again, "ill light some of your favorite candles and we can just relax a little bit."

We? "But don't you want to sleep?"

He smooth my hair back, a softness taking over his face, "not without you dreaming next to me. Do you want a warm bath too baby?"

I smiled a bit, tears pooling in my eyes.

The words spilled from my lips without thought, "I love you."

Surprise crossed his face before a smile took over, "and I you calla, for eternity."

"Unless this k-"

He cut me off swiftly, "for all of eternity."

The look in his eyes allowed no room for argument. So instead I nodded and watched him light the candles casting the room into a glow of dancing shadows.

He shot me a firm look, "Calla. What are you doing out from under the sheets its cold outside."

"But I don't get cold anymore."

He rose a brow at me.

I burrowed under the blankets.

I could here his chuckle, "atta girl."

I smiled a bit as he sauntered over to me and lie next to my still quivering form.

Wrapping an arm around me he buried his face in my neck, "some people think heat helps kill the virus."

My lips formed an o, " I know I dont really do things like this but uhm..." I didn't know how to ask something of him unless it was his touch he does so much for me already, I hate asking for more.

"Out with it pet."

"...will you buy me a sauna?"

He hummed, "already did."


I snuggled into him, of course he would think of that.

"We are going to try every single thing that is theorized to work, I would drive my entire estate into the ground if it meant getting you better."

I snuggled into him. 

Despite the troubles that have come with becoming a vampire I didn't regret it. Not one bit.

I have a strong, sexy, delicious....sweet..loving...mmhm perfect vampire lord to hold me what is there to regret?

I lost a lot but gained even more, that was made perfectly clear as I stared at the exposed part of his torso, that strong jawline, that adorable red stripe in his dark locks, those warm sexual eyes. 

I felt my fangs grow longer, practically throbbing with need.

Kaden kissed my temple his sandalwood and spicy scent tickled my nose. my eyes brushed over his neck, the pale skin practically begging.

I wonder what it would be like to make love after I took that bite.

He murmered against my, "While weaker because of your vampiric state, I can  still trifle through your thoughts from time to time. Remainders from when you were human remember?"

I bit my lip, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I wonder the same quite often. How sweet you would feel as your pleasure peaked that first time."

A soft moan escaped my lips as my thighs pressed together.  Picturing it made me want it even more, I wanted to feel his love running through my veins as pleasure took total control of my brain.

My toes curled at the thought.

Kaden has an amazing amount of control for not doing anything yet, we have known one another well over a year and I know how badly he wants this.

"The control comes with age my love. after a few hundred years your mind and body will learn that the reward is greater when you wait."

I blinked up at him, "really?"

"...well for you probably not, you are more do I put this..?"

"Shoot first ask questions later?"

He smiled a bit, "yeah. You enjoy your rewards.." His voice grew into a low growl, "and I enjoy giving them to you."

Well hello there double entendre. 

He resumed normal conversation with a quick wink, "And we both know I can deny you nothing."

This is exactly why dating an older man is a good thing.

A hot, doting, older man with likable abs and a kinky sex life.

His goal was to get me to relax. But all he did was wind me up.


"I will sate your urges when you are in a less fragile state. Which you will only achieve by relaxation."

Sneaky man.

Still. I laid back and tried my best at relaxation.

Admittedly the fingers massaging my temples helped.

The Lady in Blue (Second book of The Vampires Pet) (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now