He's the bitch I beat up in the street before Jordan found me.

"You..." I didn't finish my sentence to shocked to say anything more.

"That's for what happened yesterday. Now you come here talking shit on our gang."


"-Why don't you back off, Jordan and let me handle him?" he took a step towards me, bringing up a leg getting ready to kick my head.

I'm not going to let that happen.

I quickly grabbed hold of his ankle, and tackled him in the gut, bringing him to the ground. That skinny twig of a man fell down like timber. When I gained on him, I was able to pin him and down, and punch him straight in the eye returning the favor.

This all took a matter of seconds before Jordan ripped me away from him.

"I said stop! Didn't any of you hear me say stop?" I stared at her shocked. I didn't hear anything, but the blood rushing to my head. It was an adrenaline rush.

We both looked down on Chris who was lying on the floor, his eye bruising and his forehead bleeding from one of the piercings that managed to detach from his skin due to the punch.

One punch fucked him up real badly.

"So he can fight," someone muttered in the group. "Not bad."

Jordan pulled my arm, hinting that she wanted to leave. I wasn't going to stick around either, so we left together.

"You hurt him pretty badly," Jordan mumbled as we exited the room.

"Is he your friend, then?" I couldn't help the mix of anger and jealousy for her concern.

"No. Not exactly..."

"You two had a thing?" I asked a little too shocked for my own liking. I didn't want her to think that I cared.

Jordan is a pretty girl. It shouldn't surprise me whether or not she had hook ups before.

"No," she said more seriously. "He's not my type. Why are you getting so worked up about it anyways?"

"Because that jackass attacked me before I ran into you that night."

"I know."

"You know?"

"I saw him lying there behind you knocked out on the ground. Your fighting skills is the reason why I brought you here."

We were still walking through the halls. Only our footsteps were echoing.

"Why didn't you tell me this was a gang?"

"Would you have come if I did?" she asked. "I didn't think it mattered. You were so caught on with finding your sister. You would have done anything to get her back."

I still would do anything to get my sister back. We aren't supposed to be here.

"Who taught you to fight anyway? Was it your father? You're really good at it." Her voice softened, and she was being nicer to me.

"I never had a dad."

Jordan paused slightly. Guilt evident in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. You'll find that a lot of us here have been through similar situations. Please don't think that all of us are horrible just cause we are a gang."

I smiled softly. "Thanks, I won't."

"Besides," she pulled in closer around my arm. "We've got you now. It's okay if you never knew your father. His loss."

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