Not Deidara neither nor Deidara

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Yes, a very funny title XD

I drew this drawing on iPad today, realizing something very strange. I had drawn Deidara's face with pencil and his protector and the hair and the eye. All I needed to do we're details on the protector and his mouth and nose.

What was strange was the eye. It didn't look like Deidara's, but the shape and all was his eye type. The first thing that came into my mind was that this eye was Kakashi's! I looked at it closely. No.

Than I thought this eye might be of a girl who appeared earlier in the Naruto episodes, but it didn't look like hers either.

Then the truth popped into my head! It somehow looked like Sasori's. The eye surely was not the shape of Sasori's eyes, but somehow the feeling it's showing, it looked so alike Sasori!

------->>> Picture at the side ;)

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