I smiled back as we walked through the ToonTown arch.

We rode all the rides there, including one that literally did nothing. My favorite was Roger Rabbit for sure, though.

We led ourselves back through the ToonTown entrance and headed toward Pixie Hollow. I had told Vic earlier that I wanted to meet Tinkerbell and later, Elsa.

We stood in line and waited for the little meet & greet. I could almost feel Vic's eyes boring into me as I rested my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I looked up at the brown eyed boy.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said with a smug grin and looked up, keeping the smile on his face.

"Nooooo." I pouted. "Tell me!"

"It's nothing, seriously. You're just beautiful, that's all."

My cheeks heated up as I looked him in the eye. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply for just a few seconds, before resting my head back on its previous spot.

"Next!" The Disneyland employee yelled.

Vic stepped off to the side and watched me meet Tink. It wasn't that big of a deal to him if he met her, but he wanted it to be a big deal for me. He's such a fucking sweetheart, to be honest.

"Hey, guess what?" The 'pixie' asked with a cute and playful voice.

"What?" I asked with a bright smile.

"You're the 100th person I've met today, meaning you get to have a little fairy snack with me in the back!" She told me with a giggle.

My eyes widened and I looked at Vic. He was just smiling over at me, still waiting to the side.

I looked back at Tinkerbell, about to ask her if Vic could come, but she answered for me.

"He can come, too! It'll be a great tea party!"

I waved for Vic to come over and he did so. I grabbed his hand and Tink led us through the back.

She sat at a little table and Vic and I sat down with her. The girl's voice changed dramatically, now sounding like any other girl.

"So, what are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Vic and this is my boyfriend Kellin." Vic introduced. I smiled at the word. Boyfriend. It always made me happy to know that Vic was mine, and mine only.

"Cool!" She said. I was really thankful that she wasn't homophobic. That would've ruined the whole experience for me.

"Yep." I said with a small smile and took a bit out of my little cucumber sandwich that was given to us. I followed it with a sip of the 'Fairy Juice' which was actually just pink lemonade with sparkles and blue food coloring adding toward the bottom for an ombré effect.

After all of the fairy themed fantasies, we met Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. That was fun as well. Now, we were watching the parade.

All the princesses and characters came down the pathway, waving on their floats. They all wore gorgeous smiles on their faces and some even danced to the Disney songs.

I turned to Vic and smiled, "I love this so much." I told him.

He looked down at me and bit his lip softly, with a similar smile. "I love you so much."

I giggled at his little romantic line. "I love you too."

He kissed my forehead as the parade slowly came to an end. The fireworks began shooting in the air and we watched the sky, taking in all of its beauty. Vic and I smiled at the gorgeous sight, both of us obviously not wanting this moment to end. When the fireworks were over, we grabbed a few last souvenirs from the shops around us and made sure to get hot chocolate. I laced my fingers with Vic's and sipped my hot chocolate. One thing I loved about this place was that nobody gave us weird or disgusted looks for being a gay couple.

The whole experience was absolutely phenomenal-

until I saw her.

I squeezed Vic's hand tighter as my hot chocolate fell to the ground.


Didn't see that one coming, did you? Hehehehe.

So Jack AND Miss Bostwick?!

This is gonna be insane. On the bright side, they had a pretty good time and Kellin finally went to Disneyland.

Also, in this story, Vic is taller than Kellin. I know it may be weird for some of you, but for Vic to rightfully top, I wanted Kellin to be shorter.

It's very weird how Kellin went from shy to sassy & defensive back to shy but also cute and cuddly. Hehehehe.

Okay, that's all for today guys. Sorry that it took so goddamn long. I didn't mean for that to happen.

Oh, and speaking of long updates, Genocide will NOT I repeat, NOT be updated until this is over unless I get an idea and I really feel like I should just publish it.

Other than that, hope you guys had a nice holiday! See you next year. (;

(Comment a joke or your feelings abt this chapter if you read this all.)


P.S. This chapter his dedicated to @vicissoclosetokellin (:

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