Frozen Hearts

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"Elsa!" Anna shouted through the door. "Come out already! Otherwise we are going to be late."

"Coming..." Elsa said faintly and tucked a piece of loose hair back to her bun and secured it with two crossed bobby pins. She took a deep breath in before opening the door of her bedroom. Elsa had always hated the first days at school.

This first day was even more unnerving, since Elsa and her sister Anna were about to start in a new school. Their parents had died in a horrible car accident just before summer holiday had started. Being underaged, Elsa and Anna had to leave their previous home in Brooklyn and move in with their mother's sister Clara and her son Ollie in a small town called Arendale, about 65 miles up north from New York. It had taken some time from both of the parties to get used to live together, but during that summer while grieving and healing together they had forged into quite a functioning family unit.

Elsa stepped outside their house, everyone else were waiting in the car already. Clara behind the steering wheel, Ollie in the shotgun seat listening Spotify with his phone and headphones, Anna twitching anxiously in the back seat. Elsa sighed and closed the front door behind her.

"Just breathe in and out, it'll be over sooner than you even realize." Elsa muttered to herself while walking down the car. "You'll be the new kid in school only for a day and then they will forget that you even exist and leave you be." She said, but found it hard to believe her own words.

Aunt Clara stopped the car to the school parking lot in no time.

"You be nice to your cousins and help them in any way you can, Ollie!" Clara ordered her son. "DID YOU HEAR ME?" She overly pronounced as she pulled the headphones from Ollie's ears.

"Yes, mother." Ollie smirked and stepped out.

"You two have a nice day." Aunt Clara said and turned around in her seat to reach for an awfully twisted hug for both of her nieces. "It's going to go well, I'm sure of it." She said convincingly.

"You too have a nice day Aunt Clara." Anna said cheerfully and hurried after Ollie.

"Bye." Elsa said quietly and stepped outside too. She looked long after her aunt when she drove off the parking lot. Finally, when the car was gone, Elsa turned to face her next challenge. Her new school full of new people who had no idea who she really was, other than newly orphaned teenager who had moved in this small town along her sister to live with her only close relatives. Elsa hesitated a second but then realized she no other option than just walk in and deal with it.

When Elsa reached the school doors, Anna had already made friends with some wildly redheaded girl.

"ELSA!" She signed her to join their company. "I want you to meet Merida. Merida, this is my sister Elsa." Anna was enthusiastic. "We met at the student counsellor's office. Here is your schedule, I picked it up for you already."

"Thanks." Elsa muttered and took the schedule from her sister's hands. Then she looked at Merida. "Nice to meet you, Merida." Elsa said in a very formal voice.

"You can call me Merry, it's less formal. Nice to meet you too, Elsa." Merida said and Elsa could hear that Merida had a foreign sound, since her pronunciation of 'R's was quite strong.

"Merida has also moved here recently." Anna explained. "Her family owns that new dance school right across the town square."

"My mum does. " Merida corrected. "She used to be a ballerina, now she's retired. She thought it might be nice come back to her roots. She's from here but my dad is from Glasgow. That's where I've lived most of my life. And what becomes to the dance school... well she tried to teach me ballet, but I found boxing more interesting. My dad is an amateur boxer, you see, and I have three little brothers. So I guess my mom has finally moved on from the disappointment that her daughter won't ever be a ballerina." Merida shrugged.

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