Happy Birthday + Merry Christmas

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I'm so sorry, I honestly am. I haven't updated in so long but I promise I'll have one up soon! But for this note, I just wanted to wish Louis a very, very Happy Birthday and you all a Merry Christmas.

I can't believe Louis is 24, honestly. He is so amazing and I'm so proud of all that he has achieved in his 24 years of life, especially in the past 5 years. Happy Birthday Louis, I love you a ton. 

Also, a very merry Christmas to all of my amazing readers! I hope you all have an incredible day, spend it with some family and just enjoy yourself :)

It's 11pm, 24th December where I am right now which means Christmas is right around the corner :)

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day and thank you for being so amazing!

From the stairs to the stadiums, you made it. I love you so much Louis William Tomlinson.

Merry Christmas everyone :)

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