Texts (#2)

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Niall: hey baby, I'm goin for a little golf later today and wanted to know if ya wanted to come ? x

You: you know how much I hate golf -.- but thanks for the offer anyway. love you xxx

Niall: so you don't want to come and watch me either ? ;). I know ya want toooooo xx

You: -.-

Niall: please baby, have some fun :( xx

You: FINE. can you pick me up but come over now, I'm in deep need of cuddles :( xx

Niall: alright baby , I'll be there soon. love you xx :)

You: yeah, yeah, love you too handsome xx

I DON'T EVEN KNOW what this was but I still got an imagine up today :P I already have over 2.1k reads, and this is amazing! THANKYOU guys so much xx

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