Saving Grace

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"Hey Taliwaker"

"Wassup Slimdog"the twins say at the same time.

"Whats going on Pee Pee Pants and Wonder Boy" I say back laughing. Kyle's face was priceless.

"Did you have to say that out loud" Kaleb whisper yells at me while looking around.

Remembering that one sleepover. I nod while fist bumping Kyle, it was our thing to embarrass Kaleb. The ten minute bell rang and I start walking to my first class. I see Kyle running up next to me.

"Hey wait up i'm coming with you" he says out of breath

"Why?" I ask curiously his class is on the other end and he is going to be late.

"Well because they messed up my schedule I have all classes with you"

"Oh well i'll save you a seat" I say whilst walking past him while he bends over still trying to catch his breath.

I get into class and keep my promise and put my bag in the seat next to me. I pull out my journal and start writing when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up and see some cute guy grinning at me.

"Hi um I was wondering if the seat next to you was taken." he says while smiling.

"Actually it is. Why?"

"Oh well I was hoping it wasn't so I could sit next to the prettiest girl in the room and maybe get to know her." he says while smirking.

"Well seeing as the guy who this seat is for just walked in i'm going to have to say maybe next time." I say

"I'll be waiting" he says not at all phased by my little bit of sarcasm.

Kyle comes over and sits down while asking who the guy was. After telling him no one we started joking until the teacher came in. When he walked in it was like all the air was knocked out of my chest. He put his things down and walked to the board and stated the lesson. During class Kyle and I could not stop laughing we almost got in trouble a few times. It was like this the rest of the morning. As we were walking to lunch I had tears in my eyes from laughing at Kyle who was intimating Mrs. Cornwall who fell out of her chair last class. When we got to the lunch room we walked to our table where Kaleb was currently talking to some fake blond with too much makeup on her face. I sit down with Kyle and start talking to Kaleb when the girl he was flirting with looks over at me and glares. She clears her throat.
"Excuse Me"

"Your Excused" I say while still talking to the twins.

"Look here dog i'm going to need you to move"

"Look here slut i'm going to need you to close your legs and stop being so needy."

"Slut at least I can get a man I mean look at you, your pathetic"

"Pathetic, I think we all know who really is pathetic" I say while the twins agree

"Well at least I look better"

"Better, you look like someone crapped on your face" I say

I can hear the twins laughing. Gasping she gets up and slaps me across the face and walks away thinking she accomplished something. I immediately lounge for her talking her to the ground I get on top of her wrap her hair one hand and punch her with the other. While punching her I feel a strong pair of arms pry me off of her trying to pull me away. I punch who ever it was and they let go. I start running back to the girl and start kicking her. After I get a good couple of kicks in I heard a sick crack.

That was when I let who ever it was pick me up and carry me out of there and into an empty class. they held me as I calmed down whisper soothing words in my ear. I thought it was one of the twins but when I looked up it was ...........

"Mr. Knight"


(Talia on the side)

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