The First Time We Met

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It is the first day of school and i'm finally a senior now i'm so excited this is my last year in this horrible town and school. I live in Fairer Falls CA, its a small town practically in the middle of nowhere. I have one saying about it those who came where to stupid to turn around and those that are here are to stuck to move. I want to get out and explore get away.

I quickly get up and get ready for the first day. I go to my closet and grab the first thing I can find not putting much effort in. After showering and getting dress I jump in my car and zoom off to school. On the way there I almost hit a baby turtle so I got out of my car and grab him put him in my passenger seat buckled him up and sped away to school.

When I got there the populars were already there getting fawn over. Especially Chad Dovermen who needs to get his ego checked and his head shrunken because those are two things that are too big. Do not even think about getting me started on his slut of the year Silvia Ford. She is the Queen of all sluts. I mean if the sluts were a company she would be there poster child. She wears outfits that are two sizes too small for her. Her boobs and nose are fake they were presents from her daddy for 16th birthday.

I wouldn't classify myself as a popular but I'm well know. So i would say I'm right in the middle. I get out of my car and run over to my two best friends Kyle and Kaleb. They are twins but you can tell them apart because they have one difference they're eyes. OK this is what they look like they are 6'4 muscularly lean , they both black hair but Kyle has green eyes and Kaleb has stormy gray and they are both well tanned.

Finally catching up to them I jump on Kaleb's back and ruffle up his hair while kissing his cheek. I notice that the girl that was trying to flirt with them stops and starts practically burning holes through my head. Hopping off of Kaleb's back I jump at her and scream 'Boo'. She gets scared and runs away crying. Sitting down I start tying my shoes while looking at the boys.

"Hey Guys" I say while brushing dirt off my butt

"Hey Talia long time no see nice introduction by the way" Kyle says while tackling me to the ground and hugging me

"Really Talia you had to mess my hair up it took me 5 minutes to do it!!!" Kaleb says while whining and stomping his feet like a five year old

"Couldn't resist" I say while linking arms with the boys. As we walk into the school I can tell who all the freshmen are. The girl are looking at me with pure hate and jealousy in there eyes. The guys try to come up to me asking for my number. The twins are know as big players. They're moto "Hump and Dump," They like to hook up with girls and leave like they never existed. How do I know well because I've seen it and I have experienced it. No I did not bang one of the twins. But our friendship started off that way.

It was 9th grade and the first day of school. I was walking around looking at my schedule for my class and the twins come up and smack me on the butt while saying "meet you in the janitors closet later babe" I was so mad I ended up chasing them threw out the whole entire school yelling profanities and threats. When I caught them I twisted their arms behind there backs saying if they ever touch me again I would rip their arms out of their sockets Later that day the boys came back apologizing saying they wanted to be friends and here we are 4 year later.

The twins and I compare schedules to find out I have 2 classes with Kyle and 4 classes with Kaleb. Which is good because Kaleb is the funny feminine type and Kyle is the sweet muscular type.

Afterwards I go to my first period class all alone. Walking I go to the back by the window and prop my feet up on the desk. I pull out my phone and start texting not paying attention to anything that's going on. Not too long after I hear a typing on my desk and I look up into the most amazing hazel eyes I have ever seen. I realize I'm looking at guy who has Light Brown hair and who looks about 6'6 very muscular but lean at the same time and tan. He has light freckles on the bridge of his nose and on the starting of his cheeks with nice pink kissable lips. Then realizing again that not only is he a guy but , he is my teacher and he seems to be talking to me while I was zoned out in my thoughts.

"Hello are you there, Whats your name ?'' he said while waving his hand and snapping his fingers in my face

"Sorry i'm here my name is Talia Davis " I say while looking down

"Well Ms. Davis can you put your phone away and get your feet off the desk" he say politely

I instantly feel a great deal of respect for him for not snapping off like any other teacher would have. I take my journal out while he introduces himself to the class. I then put my head down and completely zone out during the whole time and when the bell rings I high tale it out of there. The rest off the day goes by boring and uneventful.

On the way home I grab Tyler and I some food from Mc Donald then go and pick up my little brother from his school. We get home and eat. I wash him up put him to bed then go back downstairs and clean up the kitchen. I do all this stuff because I know when mom gets home she will be to drunk to do it. When I'm done I go up to my room, shower and fall asleep.




"OH Shit shh" I wake up to noises down stairs so I go down stairs to find my mom passed out on the kitchen floor drunk. I pick her up and bring her upstairs to her room. I undress her and take off her shoes then put on one of her over sized painting shirts and lay her down in her bed. Going back to my room I feed my turtle Dillie his food and went to sleep.


(Her car on the side)

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