Chapter 1: The Interview

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I wait patiently in the small bland room where I usually do all of my interviews. I write for The Seattle Times, mainly doing stories about local things happening. A lot is happening in 1990 in the Seattle area. It's a great time to be a journalist.
I tap my pen on my note book. I'm really anxious to meet this band I'm interviewing. I've listened to their newest album and it's flawless in my opinion. The band is Nirvana. They just started getting big just like a lot of other bands in the Seattle area. I don't know anything about the band members though. Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and Dave Grohl. I know Dave is new to the band and Kurt and Krist started the band, but that's it. That's why I'm excited to learn about the makers of this outstanding album.

I hear voices heading down the hallway towards my interviewing room. I look up when the door opens and my advisor, Nate, gives me a big smile.
"Kate, meet Nirvana." He lets the three band members into the room where they plop down on the couch adjacent to me. Nate shuts the door leaving me alone with them.
The guy with long brown hair and a dorky big smile is the first to reach his hand towards me for a handshake. "I'm Dave."
I shake his hand and smile at him. "I'm Kate."
The tallest out of them all is the next to give me a handshake, saying his name is Krist.
And the last to give me a handshake is Kurt. He gives me a small smile without showing teeth. I got distracted for a second because of his icy blue eyes. Eye contact can make me a little awkward sometimes and he burned his eyes right into mine.

"Okay, let's get straight to some questions." I say with a smile. Honestly, I can't think of any small talk right now. I just need to get on to the questions. He's making me nervous.
"So, how long have you guys been a band?"

"Since 1987." Krist spoke. "Me and Kurt were the ones who formed it."

"I just joined this year." Dave added.

"Don't you have another album other than Nevermind?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Bleach." Kurt says. "Have you listened to it?"

"Ive heard a couple of songs from it."

"Like what?"

This is so strange to me. My interviews with other celebrities are quick and they don't ask any questions. It's all me asking and it doesn't ever feel like a conversation. I haven't met very many celebrities so I hope there's more people I'll meet that are like this.

"I really like Love Buzz." I say, feeling more comfortable and less nervous.

"That's a good one." Krist laughs lightly, probably thinking about their time making their first album.
I wonder what it's like creating music. I love listening to music because it's such a great escape. But I've never made music or even played an instrument. Though, I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar.

Time flies while talking to the three stooges of grunge. They're so interesting and have a lot to talk about. Krist and Kurt grew up in a town outside of Seattle. Dave has a funny laugh and a funny smile. Kurt seemed very reserved but he still seemed interested in the conversation. I really enjoyed this interview.

It was time for them to leave so we all stood from our seats.
"It was nice to meet you, Kate." Dave smiles and winks while shaking my hand.

"Yeah you're not annoying like the other reporters we talk to. They're all assholes." Krist says. I laugh too because he's so right. All the other reporters I've met are annoying and too badgering.

Krist and Dave left the room but talked by the door about past reporters that annoyed them. Kurt walked towards me and shook my hand.

"Thanks for the interview." I say with a smile, staring into his sharp blue eyes.

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