Chapter 13

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You woke to the sound of Aidan talking on the phone.

"Yea sure come over and if you where a bird which one would you be"

When he said that you smiled and let a small laugh then you heard him say

"Nah I'll be an eagle"

When he said that he looked behind him to see you smiling so he said

"Hey I have to go but see you soon"

With that he hung up so you smiled and when you did he walked up to you sat on the bed and smiled then said

"If you where to be a bird which one would you be"

With that you smiled and let out a laugh then said

"I would be an eagle because they are so beautiful and free"

With that he smiled pulled you in a kiss then pulled away and said

"Same oh and Dean, Russell and Lenora are coming over so Lenora can meet you"

With that you smiled then said

"Ok I'll get ready and go for a shower"

"Ok I'll go and cook some breakfast"

"What kind of breakfast"

With that he smiled then said

"An Irish one"

"But why we are in Italy"

"Because I want you to try my Irish breakfast"

With you smiled and let out a laugh and walk up to your closet and pulled out some clothes and walked to the bathroom to have a shower.

You got out of the shower and walked down stairs to only hear Aidan singing while cooking some sort of Irish breakfast so you walked down stairs to see him putting bacon, eggs sausage, tomato and baked beans on a plate and put it on the dinning room table so you walked down stairs with a smile on your face and when you got to the table you smiled then said

"So this is an Irish breakfast"

With that he smiled kissed you on the cheek and said

"Yep just the way my mother use to make it"

With that you smiled and said

"There is just one problem"

"And what's that"

With that you looked at him with a sorry look on your face then said

"I don't like backed beans they make me sick sorry"

With that he smiled then said

"It's ok you don't have to eat it all just try it that's all I ask"

With that you smiled then he walked up to you so you kissed him and said

"Let's see if this is good or bad"

"It might be bad because I'm not a good cook like my mother"

With that you sat down picked up the knife and fork then said

"You might be now let's eat I'm starving"

With that he let out a small laugh then begun eating.

15 minutes later
You looked down at your plate to see that you had the sausages left but you couldn't eat it because you where so full so you put the knife and fork down and said

"That was so good I can see the Irish people like being Irish"

With that he smiled then picked up his plate walked over to you picked up your plate and walked to the kitchen to do it as he was walking to the kitchen you got up and walked with him to do the kitchen and helped him with it.

As you guys where doing the kitchen you heard a knock at the door so you said

"Come in its open and we are in the kitchen"

With that the door opened and in came Dean, Russell and this girl with curly hair so you smiled then you heard the girl say

"Hi I'm Lenora one of Aidan's friends"

With that she held out her for you so you put the tea towel down and took it then shook it and said

"Hi I'm Y/N"

With that you and Aidan finished the kitchen so you guys went to the lounge room and talked to Lenora so you can get to know her.

Imagine: meeting Aidan turner in Italy and you two falling for each otherWhere stories live. Discover now