Chapter 2

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You woke to the sound of your phone going off so you opened your eyes and looked for your phone and when you found it you picked up to see that misha sent you a text saying

Mi: hey Chang of plans you are leaving today

You: what time

Mi: well I'm on my way to pick you up so I'll be there in like an hour so get ready

With that you smiled then put the phone down and got up out of bed walked to the closet pick out a really nice white shirt, a jumper that goes with it and some tight blue jeans then went for a shower. 

After your shower you walked to your room and got some brown leather boots put them on then cheeked the window to see misha pulling up so you smiled, picked up your bags and walked down stairs, when you got down stairs misha walked in the house and saw that you where struggling so he walked up to you and said

"Here let me help"

With that he picked up your bags so you said thank you then walked out to the car got in and drove up the airport. As you where sitting in the car misha smiled then said

"So are you excited"

"Hell yea I'm going to Italy"

With that he smiled then then next thing you knew you guys pulled up in front of the airport so you looked at misha smiled and when you did he smiled then said

"Come on let's you get you on that plane before it leaves"

With that you walked out made your way to the boot got your bags then walked into the airport and walked to the front counter to get your ticket signed to go on the plane. When you where in the line you turned to misha and said

"I'm gonna miss you"

When you said that he pulled you into a hug and said

"I will miss you to but trust me you will have fun"


With that you and misha pulled apart then moved up the line, before you got to the front you said

"Tell west and Maison that I love them and I will text them everyday"

"Ok and have fun"

With that you hugged him then walked to front and got your ticket approved then walked up the corridor and onto the plane. When you got on the plane you walked to your seat, sat down and put in your earphones and listened to hey Lucy by skillet and started to doze off to sleep.

Aidan's pov
"Aidan, Aidan wake up we are here"

I opened my eyes to see Dean and Russell looking at me so I rubbed my eyes got up and said

"Where are we"

"We are in Italy, now get up so we can go to your home that you brought and rest for the night"

When he said that I stood up and stepped outside to see feel the nice cold Italia breeze hit my skin so I took a deep breath and walk down the stairs, as my feet hit the ground I felt myself bump into someone so I put down my bag and saw this girl with the most beautiful h/c hair and beautiful e/c and a with the most beautiful face so I so held out my hand for her to take and when she did I helped her up and said

"I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going"

When I said that she smiled then said

"It's ok it was all me"

When she said that I looked at her to see that she had the most beautiful body and to see that she was tiny compared to me so I smiled then said

"Hey instead of us saying that we did why don't I take you out to lunch or dinner"

When I said that she smiled her beautiful smile then said

"I would love that when and where and what time"

"Ok well I can't today or tonight so about tomorrow around 7pm I'll pick you up"

With that she smiled then pulled out a pen and wrote down her phone number and address then handed it to me so I took the she said

"You there"

With that she walked off but before she could get out of sight I said

"What's your name by the way"

With that she turned around and said

"Y/N L/N"

"Well you would know my name"

"No sorry I don't"

"Well I'm Aidan turner and it's nice meeting Y/N"

With that she smiled then said

"It's nice meet you to mr tuner"

Then she walked away so me, Dean and Russell walked to my home to rest up so we can go on the red carpet.

Imagine: meeting Aidan turner in Italy and you two falling for each otherWhere stories live. Discover now