Chapter 11

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"Everyone this is Aidan, Aidan this is everyone, guys Aidan is my boyfriend"

When you said that you saw the looks on mishas face grow to be happy so you smiled then said

"Oh come In"

With that you and Aidan stepped aside to let everyone in, when everyone got inside you begun to walk in but you before you could you felt a hand on your arm so you looked behind to see Aidan holding your hand with a little bit of a scared look so you smiled walked up to him and said

"What's wrong"

As you said that Aidan held your hand and said

"What if they hate me or what if they don't like it that in Irish"

As he said that you let out a laugh then held his hand and said

"Aidan they don't care if you are Irish actually misha and jared would think it's pretty cool that you are Irish and they would properly warm up to you and trust me if you be your cute, sexy awesome Irish I know you are thy would warm up to you really soon especially gen, Daniele and Victoria"

With that he pulled you closer to him crashed your lips with his then said

"I can be your cute and sexy Irish but for the rest I'll just be the awesome Irish"

With that you let a laugh then pulled away from him put your hands in his and make it so you and your hands intwine and walk in the lounge room to see everyone sitting down and laughing while talking so you and Aidan sat next to each other and talked with everyone for the night.


"So have you played in movies that I have seen"

"Unless you have seen being human and the hobbit then no I don't think so"

As Aidan said that jared said

"I have seen the hobbit and man it's a good movie"

With that Aidan smiled and when he did Tom walked up to him and said

"Can I sit on your lap"

As Tom said that he looked at you then over at jared to only hear jared say

"Yea he can sit on you lap if you don't mind"

With that Aidan smiled then picked him and put him on his lap and when he did you couldn't help but smile and at the sight was next to you because when you saw Aidan with Tom you knew that he was good with kids.

A few hours later
"So what do you think Aidan"

With that you turned to jared, Jensen and misha to see them talking about something so you walked up to them said

"What about supernatural"

When you said that they all looked at you then you laughed and said

"So what do you guys think of Aidan"

When you said that Jensen smiled and

"Man he is a keeper promise me that you will stay with him"

"Of course I will I love him"

With that he smiled then walked back in the lounge room to sit with Aidan so jared walked up to you and said

"Hey is so cool I swear if you break it off i will call you crazy"

With that you laughed then he walked back in so you looked over at misha and said

"So what do you think of him"

With that he walked up to you placed his hands on your should and said

"To be honest I-I think you should stay with him because he makes you happy and i like to see you happy"

With that threw your arms around his neck and said

"Thank you so much misha thanks I love you"

With that he smiled then hugged you back and said

"I love you to now get out there your hot Irish boy friend is was it for you"

With that you smiled got yours and Aidan's drink walked over to him kissed him on the head passed him his drink and sat next to him and continued to talk to everyone so you guys can spend time together and so Aidan can get to know everyone.

Imagine: meeting Aidan turner in Italy and you two falling for each otherWhere stories live. Discover now