Chapter Two; Queen

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A creek came from behind me. I peered behind me to see a dark figure approaching the bed.

"Mi Pàjaro, what are you doing outside?" He wondered.

I ignored him and turned back towards the garden, my ticket to freedom was just below me.


"Yes?" He wondered.

"What does Mi Pàjaro mean?" I asked.

"It means, my bird."

I turned around to see him standing behind me, leaning against the porch doorframe.

"I'm no one's bird." I scowled.

"You may believe what you want, Mi pàjaro." He huffed. "I'm going to bed, you may join me when you're done staring out at the garden."

I rolled my eyes. 

I'm not joining him with nothing, I'm not becoming Queen or sharing a bed with a man that I just met. What kind of girl does he take me for?

He disappeared from the doorway and I turned back towards the garden. Woods laid after the beautifully cut bushes.

I reached for the full moon that will lead me back to Xidan. My map to Xidan was the moon, never would I think that a moon could show me the way. It kinda sounds like a fantasy.

The wind had fallen to a cool breeze that only blew the thin strands of hair off of my face. It was a calm night that I would love to spend cuddled up by Xidan... with a fire ablaze next to us.

Tears warmed the corners of my eyes. That is my dream just to feel his arms encage me again.

I shook the tears out of my eyes but, I have to be strong before I can see him again. I need to end this queen thing before I get too sucked into it.

Just as I turn to go inside a green color caught my eyes, long thick vines curled up and down along the castle giving it an ancient look. The vines tied into each other making it look like a twisted devil face.

A grin crossed my lips, these vines were prefect.

I walked into the room and closed the door with a smile.

I won't be here for much longer.

"What are you smiling about?" He mumbled.

"The flowers are beautiful, the colors are breathtaking." I lied even though it was true.

"Why don't you go see them tomorrow, I'll accompany you."

"I thought you were going to end this war?" I said trying to get out of it.

"I have a few set backs." I could just see his grin in the dark. "I know he's here and I'm not about to let him run away with you."

I balled my fists at my sides but, remained composed.

"Who is he?" I wondered.

"Please don't act innocent and just come to bed." He huffed.

"I'm fine with the couch thank you very much." I said sourly.

His and His Only Queen **BOOK TWO**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat