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It was just in case.
In case of what, she wasn't even sure anymore. They were bound together from then on out, they had been since he found her.
Since she found him.
Regardless, it was just in case. In case he wasn't sure, in case he was looking for her.
But by the time he knocked on the door that was already unlocked, she'd already stripped herself of her clothes, rinsed and washed and scrubbed until she felt genuinely clean. Even then after, she laid her head against the edge of the cold tub, let her damp hair fall backwards.
"Yeah?" She calls in response to the knock, though she knows it's him. The heaviness of the air when he enters, the quietness of his feet on the ground. Quiet from years of perfecting his skill that he'd taught her. Tracking and hiding and hunting, this was natural to him.
"'s fine, c'mere." Beth mumbles sleepily, eyes half shut.
He hesitates, stands by the door for a while, and she questions if he'll ever enter. When he does, she still doesn't hear him, but when she opens her eyes fully again, she sees him, back against the tub.
"You changed." She points out, tapping his shoulder. "Your clothes, I mean. That vest seemed to be fallin' apart last I saw it."
"Still fine." He shrugs, glancing over his shoulder to face her. "Can't find it, though. Know anythin' about that?"
She giggles, shaking her head. "Well, I think your favorite Greene sibling might know somethin' about the culprit."
Daryl snorts, dropping his arms over his knees.
"Yeah? I'll go ask Maggie about it later."
"Hey," She frowns, sticking her tongue out. "I'm offended, Daryl Dixon."
"M'lyin'," he raises his eyebrows.
She purses her lips before leaning foreword and pressing them to his cheek. He all but flinches, not when she holds his hand, not when she hugs him, holds him.
"I know."

art belongs to nikita-juice on tumblr! if u couldn't tell the drabble is inspired by that piece (:

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