Closing my eyes, I focused on the noises around me. At first, it was hard to hear anything other than the loud roaring of the ferocious winds, but as I listened harder, I could hear a woman's voice off in the distance. She was crying and-- and cursing? I had to laugh. It was Evie all right, and the words coming out of her mouth would make even a sailor blush. I sped off in that direction and much to my surprise I found her not too far from her cabin.

Her eyes grew wide the second she laid eyes on me.

"Come to finish me off, have you?" she challenged. Her voice was strong, but I could see in her eyes she was terrified of me. "Probably figured since there was a snow storm, you could kill me and nobody would find my body till spring, right?"

"I'm not here to hurt you." I stepped forward, trying to grasp her in my arms, but she took two steps back.

"Not even five seconds ago, you were stark raving mad!" she screamed while backing away from me.

"I know," I yelled back, hoping my voice could be heard over the storm. "And I'm sorry. But you have to believe me, I'm not going to hurt you."

My heart broke, as Evie continued to back away from me. Suddenly, she stumbled backwards over a tree root and began to fall down a hill. God knows what would of happened if I hadn't flashed forward and caught her in my arms. A small gasp escaped her lips, as I pulled her closer to me, tucking her in against my chest.

Even nearly frozen, it took every ounce of self control I had, not to sink my teeth into the soft flesh on her neck. Her lips were blue and she was shaking uncontrollably, but all I could think about was how lovely her blood must taste. I could barely control myself, but for her sake I knew I had too. Once again, I could hear her heart beat slowing, and the tears streaming down her cheeks were quickly forming into icicles.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I promised again, adjusting her in my arms.

Her long eyelashes fluttered a hundred times a second, and it was then that I noticed she had the most gorgeous steel colored eyes ever-- untill suddenly, they closed for good. While I had been studying this gorgeous creature, she had been growing colder by the second. I raced off in the direction of her cabin and seconds later, we burst through the door.

I quickly shredded her clothes, and brought her into the bathroom. Hopping into the shower, I cradled her in my own, fully clothed arms. Soon lukewarm water began cascading down the both of us. Color slowly returned to Evie's face and not much longer after that, she regained consciousness.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," I teased as her eyes fluttered open.

It took her all but five seconds to realize she was naked, cradled in my arms and in the shower.

Jumping down out of my arms, she quickly and quite humorously tried to cover up by holding a loofah infront of her more private areas. Like that's gonna help, I snickered.

"You can wipe that look off your face," she told me. "And turn around," her voice a mix between embarrassment and exasperation. "Better yet," she snapped. "Get out!"

With a grin still plastered on my face, I got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel I walked out into her living room and decided it might be a good idea to get a fire going in the fireplace. I stripped out of my sopping wet things, and had just finished wrapping a towel around myself when Evie walked out into the living room.

"My god, why are you naked?" Irritation oozed from her voice as she levelled her eyes at me.

I could feel the cheesy grin, fall from my face-- I was not a patient man and my temper had a pretty short fuse.

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