Prologue (old)

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I was just sitting on my worn out bed, listening to some new boy-bands while Dipper has his nose in that journal. I just roll my eyes and flip through a magazine while a sound I love came on. "Disco Girl." I sang along with it. What was really funny was that Dipper started dancing and singing to it.

After that, I went down stairs and saw Stan with a pitcola in his hands past out. Uggh boys. I walk into the kitchen and get a sandwich with a pitcola.

After eating my sandwich I decide to call my friends Greta and Candie. I was pressing call, but nothing was happening. Then everything started going slow then went in black and white then time stopped and the color came back. I hear a very familiar, but creepy laugh. Bill.

"Hey, Shooting Star what the apps?"

"First off, Let's get this straight. My name is Mabel. M-A-B-E-L."

"Aw.. your so cute when your frustrated."

"Ew! you old man! go bother someone else!"

"I'm not old.. but also I need you to be my girlfriend for 5 months."

"And if I say no?"

"Your whole family dies and Gravity Falls will seize to exist."

"Fine. Im not kissing you!"

"That's way they all say, before they fall in love with me."

"I. Would. Never. Love. YOU!"

"Whatever floats your boat Shooting Star."

"Uggh, I give up!"

"See ya later kid. buy gold! bye!"


Everything went back to normal after Bill left. I can't tell Dipper. What will I do? I need those Journals. Maybe there's something in there that can help me.


I hope y'all liked it have a good day/night bye!

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