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I walked into Geography and who do I see? Niall was sitting at the front of the class with his chin on his entwined hands joined with his elbows plonked on the desk staring into space, in a world of his own.

"Hey Niall what are u doing up here? She cant see you if you're at the back" I laughed, no-one took our geography class seriously, our teacher was old, care free and blind as a bat. You could text right in front of her and she wouldn't care, let alone notice. She is my favourite teacher.

'Oh hey Laura! Nah, I think with this teacher it doesn't really matter where u sit, you could still plan on blowing up the cafeteria right here and she wouldn't see.' he chuckles

'She'd probably help you..' I reply making Niall laugh in agreement

" 'mon down the back then anyway'' Niall says getting up and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Myself and Niall just spent the whole class taking pictures with each other, some with funny faces, some with just weird ones.

It was great how Id made friends with Harrys friends, I never really like Nathans friends, especially his bandmates.


Next class: English

I left Niall with a quick hug and a thank you for brightening up my Monday morning. I had a feeling this was going to be a good week, but something bad was also going to happen.

You know that feeling where you're happy then feel bad about being happy because you shouldn't be. You then feel guilty because youre happy. Its a weird feeling its kinda when you should feel sorry for someone but u don't.

I had a feeling, that I was going to have that feeling. You can only imagine how weird I was feeling. Does the word feeling sound weird to you now?....anyway...I walked slowly to my next class but just before I walked in I felt  a slight tug on one of my belt loops, on my jeans.

I turned around ready to smack whatever perv it was.There was a good few of them in my school, not many in my year. Its so gross when younger boys try to hit on you and turn you on. You're just kinda there like, 'Ok, hunny, that's cute. Go back to your Pokemon and call me when your chest hair fills in.'

I was a little surprised the tug wasn't more forceful, or a hand around my waist or a pinch of my arse from just some kid trying to look cool infront of his mates.

But when I turned around my question was answered. The tug was light, playful, with a hint of sass, when I turned around I saw Harry. Looking at my bum. When I turned his look shot straight up to my eyes.

His Green eyes shining at me like marbles. I loved those eyes. They could get me to fall for anything, On second thought, I hated those eyes. They make me lose control, my palms get clammy, my words get slurred and I just cant look into them. Man I hate those eyes.

'Hi!' he says a bit stunned how fast I turned around to see him. His cheeks turn slightly pink now he knows hes been caught checking out my bum. His green eyes begin to sparkle. Man I hate those eyes.

'Harry!' I say, relived its him so that some poor 9th grader doesn't have to go to hospital today.

I rap my hands around his neck to hug him, he is surprised and slowly puts his hands around my waist, and nuzzles his head into my neck. This became kind of a tradition, I wondered why we didnt do it this morning.

Meet Me in St. Lawrence [Harry Styles, Nathan Sykes, McFly fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now