Shortly before the Agreements pledging day, Geslo, the young man from the Violent Ones who had asked Barsa about laughter at Flat Rocks, walked into the bode. "I want to live here in Flat Rocks. You said I could live here if I pledged to live by the Agreements. I want to do that."

Barsa said, "Do you understand the Agreements - that we never make people slaves nor do violence to each other, and that we each help provide for all in the bode?"

"Yes, I understand. Living with the Violent Ones I'm often afraid, and I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to hurt others. They're talking about walking toward the land of the Rising Sun far away from Flat Rocks and building a large bode again with many slaves. I don't want to go with them and live like that."

Zura asked, "They're all leaving?"

"Yes, soon. Flat Rocks is too big and powerful."

Many at Flat Rocks were relieved when they heard this. Kai said, "That's good, if we don't have to worry about the Violent Ones anymore."

Esri said, "But what if they find other people and make them slaves?"

Nat shrugged, "If they are far away, there is nothing we can do. Better that they go. You've seen how they are."

The Elders Council agreed that Geslo could join Flat Rocks as long as he pledged to the Agreements and lived by them. He took part in the pledging ceremony with the other newcomers. Though he seemed sincere, people avoided him. He did his part in hunting and gathering food, but even in a group, people kept their distance. He slept alone and usually ate alone. Everyone knew that he participated in killing Dagan and in kidnapping and slavery activities in the Violent Ones' bode. How could they ever allow him to be fully a part of Flat Rocks?

The Elders Council talked about what should be done.

Tars said, "We've created a difficult situation. If we keep pushing Geslo away, he may decide to leave Flat Rocks and go back to the Violent Ones. Yet how do we ask those who were slaves to live with him and not be afraid?"

Barsa said, "Geslo told me that he never knew there was another way to live in a bode until he came to visit Flat Rocks. He grew up afraid he would be killed if he didn't always do what Ulun said."

Esri asked, "How does he feel about what he has done?"

"Confused and sad, I think, but we should ask him."

Zura said, "We should also hear from those who were slaves with the Violent Ones and have them speak about what they need to feel comfortable with Geslo."

Saba said, "Perhaps they never will."

Piram said, "Even if Geslo wants to live here, he will find it difficult to change quickly to our ways."

Tars asked, "What should we do?"

Barsa said, "We need a Healing Talk.'"

"What is that?" Tars asked.

Zura smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's something we used to do in our bode long ago. I wish we had done it more. Our Mother was good at Healing Talks. It's using words to heal. When someone's body is cut or hurt, we try to fix the wound with different medicines. But there are also wounds inside that need to be healed - wounds of anger or fear or sorrow."

Piram said, "But you can't make anger or fear go away just by talking."

Zura said, "True, nothing can completely take away horrible things of the past. Even if you can't see them, the wounds inside will still have scars. But there is healing that can be done, and we can look for ways to make things better in the days ahead. It's not easy. It means going deep inside, and this can take time and can cause pain of a different kind than a wound on the outside of a person."

The Elders Council decided to make a Healing Talk. They began by talking one-on-one or in small groups with those who were taken as slaves by the Violent Ones, and speaking with Geslo. The former slaves wanted to feel safe and hear directly from Geslo that he would never hurt them again and that he knew it was wrong what he had done.

Flat Rocks came together. All the Elders spoke, Geslo spoke, and many others. It took a while for Geslo and those captured as slaves to speak openly about what had happened, what Geslo had done or not done. When he was with the Violent Ones, he showed compassion to the slaves by sometimes secretly bringing them extra food, yet he did not defend them from many of the brutalities they had endured.

It was a long and difficult discussion. Emotions were intense but Geslo's remorse felt genuine. He pledged again to keep the ways of Flat Rock. He went to every person and asked their forgiveness, promising never to bring harm to them again.

As Zura said, the Healing Talk did not erase the past, but Geslo's heartfelt words helped calm those who had been taken by the Violent Ones and reassured the Flat Rock's bode that Geslo would not cause harm. A few days after the Healing Talk, Kai came to Esri and said, "Come, let's ask Geslo to go with the two of us and look for eland. We will try to help the Healing."

* * *

Nagar no longer took part in the Elders Council. She rarely left her sleeping spot anymore. Saba and Zura took turns watching over her and taking care of her. Many others at Flat Rocks frequently stopped by to help. Nagar was in her End Days. It was a miracle that she lasted as long as she did, no doubt because of Zura and Saba's ministrations.

It was also the creation of the new Flat Rocks that revitalized her. They were creating the kind of bode that she had long dreamt of where people worked together to build a safe living place. She was surprised how the Agreements not only brought less fear but also increased the laughter and lightness of their lives. It was surely something to keep always, and she longed to stay a part of it.

Nagar was now barely conscious. Saba and Zura sat watching over her. Esri was nearby working on some new scraping tools. Saba said, "I'm so relieved that the Violent Ones are going far away. I want them to be gone soon, and we can feel peace again and not have to worry about fighting them or having them take any of us as slaves."

Zura said, "Yes, it's good for us, but I worry they may find other Ash Rain survivors and make them slaves."

Nagar heard them talking and tried to push herself up, gasping, "We . . . must . . . stop them."

Saba said, "Mother, lie down. It's good they are leaving us. They are few now. Flat Rocks can keep growing peacefully."

"Get . . . Esri."

"She's right here."

"Bring . . . her . . . close."

"Saba said, "Hurry, Esri. Come here. It's important."

Zura spoke to her friend. "You're right, Nagar. It is dangerous if the Violent Ones leave and become a big, powerful bode. We tried, but they did not want to change their ways and join us. What do we do?"

Esri came and sat by Nagar. Nagar spoke to Zura and Esri, "Divide . . . them." Nagar clutched Esri's arm, "You cannot . . . let . . . Ulun . . . leave. He will . . . keep . . . spreading . . . his evil."

"How can we do this?" asked Esri.

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