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       I again awoke from a nightmare. Only this was a new one instead of my mother and sister's bodies I saw Syren, and instead of the barn I saw the forest floor, and instead of green smoke there I saw Peter standing there smirking. I couldn't go back to sleep my mind was screaming too loud. I can't  do this anymore, I can't be a spy for Peter, I thought. I have to tell someone. I decided to get up and make a fire and think about what I should do. If I remained a spy then I would mentally die, but if I quit being a spy then Syren would probably physically die. I had to tell them I would protect Syren, I was more powerful than Peter. Heck he learned all he knows from me.
I sat there for a couple of hours until I heard someone wake up, and when I turned around to see that it was Hook I immediately rolled my eyes. "Hello Hook," I said annoyed. "Brooklyn." I was glad to see that by them the others were waking up. They all immediately started talking about the day's plans. I could feel my heart racing in my chest at the thought of what I was about to tell them. When I was sure that they were done talking I spoke up, "Um guys there is something I want to tell you." They all turned their heads to me and asked basically all at the same time, "What is it Brook." "I-I-I'm a sp-spy for Peter." "YOU'RE WHAT," they all yelled at once. "I'm a spy for him I'm supposed to report back to him everything that you all are planning. But I-I can't do it." "I can't believe you Brook I took you in as family," Regina said the one person that I was afraid of losing, "go I don't want to see you ever again." Half of me just wanted to run away and cry, that was the half of me that was still London Marie, the other half of me, Brooklyn Rose, wanted to tell them off, unfortunately that half of me won. "It's not my fault that you trusted me. I guess you all should have listened to Hook. He knew all along. Oh wait that's right, he didn't tell you, I wonder why. Oh that's right I scared him into not telling you. Have fun finding Henry without me heroes." And with that, I left.
I kept waking through the forest until I sat down in the same place where Regina had taken me in as family. I sat down and let the bittersweet pain of daggers fall down my face, only this time they felt so very familiar, I felt as if I was crying all the tears that I had forgotten to cry my entire life. "Hey kid." I turned around to see Regina coming to sit down next to me. "Come to yell at me some more," I asked her. "No, actually I came to apologize." "Why would you need to apologize to me I deserve you hatting me, I mean you took me in as family and I cheated you," I told her as more tears welled in my eyes. "I want to forgive you because you remind me of myself. You try desperately to be good but you can't help but to remember your past and second guess yourself. Let me give you some advice, you will never be able to rewrite your past but your feature is a blank page." And with those words, my tears of sorrow soon turned to tears of joy. "I can't thank you enough Regina. I want tell you something though, I will help you find Henry but when you go to save him I can't go with you. I need to save my friend. And I hate myself for saying this but, I can't bear to see Peter get hurt. No matter what he does I still see him as that little boy who I taught magic to so long ago." "I understand, now let's get you back to the camp, but I have to warn you the others aren't going to be so forgiving. They're only used to being heroes." I took a deep breath and went to the camp ready for the words of hate that I was about to receive.
The others haven't talked to me since I returned. I understand though if I was them I wouldn't trust me either. I awoke to sounds of boys screaming for help. I tried to wake the others but they wouldn't budge. So I decided to go investigate myself. A decision I soon regretted. Someone put their hand over my mouth to muffle my screams that were already escaping my mouth. "Shut up Brooklyn." I immediately knew who it was. Felix. I always hated Felix, he followed Peter around like a little puppy dog and never thought for himself. He took me to a tree and tied me up. "Let me go you jerk." "No can do sweetheart," my whole body cringed at those words I hated when anyone called me that it reminded me of my old life, and he knew that,"Peter's not happy with you. He knows that you told everyone that you were his spy." How did he know? It didn't matter though, because soon he appeared and Felix disappeared. "I told you you'd regret double crossing me." "You can't hurt me Peter." "Yes, but I can hurt her," all of a sudden Syren appeared tied up to the other tree with a cloth covering her mouth. "SYREN," I yelled in tears half of anger and half of fear for Syren. I wished that someone would come save us. Peter could do what ever he wanted to me but putting Syren into the mix was crossing the line.
A/N: Hey I just wanted to say that you should go and read about Syren and how she got to rule EraMore in Zoe2nightshade's story!!!

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