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Being up all night had its benefit when the team Jose sent over claimed to have found an answer. It was something only between Karma and Kacy but the wedding ring she had on held a chip it in, which would locate her anywhere in the world.

Same for Kacy's band.

At first, Karma was totally against it. She hated the idea of being tracked at any moment but at a time like this, she needed it more than anything.

Because of the signal in her area, they couldn't pinpoint the location but they did get an idea where she was. According to the computer the tech guy showed Kacy, she was being held within a 150 mile radius from their current location.

"You can't tell me if she in a warehouse of sum? Cause ta' be honest, its a lot of places within a 150 mile radius" Kacy mumbled.

"Its better than nothing" Dion said "Aye, we gon start looking around there. If y'all can get a better location, just call me"

Everyone followed Dion out and left baby Morgan with Kacy. He didn't mind though, he'd rather watch her then some stranger. He lifted her up as she busied herself with his goatee.

"Aye, can you maybe find out who took her? Maybe they're with her, where she at"

"You have an idea of who might have taken her? You two think hard. Anyone hate you or her? Jealousy maybe?"

Kacy shook his head "We don't hang 'round too many people man. The people you just saw, they the ones we chill with"

"Well, maybe it's one of them" the tech guy shrugged. Now that was the second person to bring up somebody possibly in the group kidnapping Karma. "If I were you, I'd check with them but be sneaky about it. You know? People take offense when they accused of something"

Kacy nodded, being sure to keep that in mind. No, he didn't want to accuse his friends of possibly kidnapping Karma but that could be the only logical thing at that moment.

His mind started to wonder off to Karma's parents. He would call and check in on them but after the dinner they all had together a few months back, they didn't wish to speak to Karma until she did what they asked.

Which is not marry Kacy.

Because she did it anyway, they cut off all ties with her. The quick typing on the laptop caught Kacy's attention "Bingo, I got it down to a 30 mile radius"

Kacy called Dion and let him know.

A hard punch to the jaw is what Karma was awakened by. Her eyes snapped open as the pain began to rush through her body. She groaned as her eyes tried to focus in the newfound bright light.

She looked up, catching a glimpse of her abductor but her vision wasn't on her side because everything was still blurry when the thick black cloth was placed over her eyes.

Her hands were untied and she could feel herself being lifted up and out over someone's shoulders.

"Ew girl, you fuckin stink" the man groaned in disgust.

"Let me shower then"

"Shut up"

Her body was placed in the back of a van and when the man set her down, her blindfold was slightly moved giving her a chance to see the back of her abductor. She knew she wouldn't be able to escape so she did the next best thing.

Quickly, with her long and strong nails, she scratched up his neck. She punched, slapped and did whatever else she could to leave a mark on him and she did, successfully.

But out of nowhere, a hard fist came and struck her in her jaw again, knocking her out cold on the van floor. The doors were closed and again, she was left in the dark alone.

A few days had came and gone, and still the crew found nothing. When the search was narrowed down to 30 miles, Karmas body had suddenly been moved, causing the team to relocate her all over again.

Nothing has been easy for Kacy. Ash and Kat had started to notice. While Ash busied her with making everyone dinner, seeing that they were all too busy looking for Karma to eat, she thought it'd be best.

Kacy and Ash were upstairs in his room. Ash turned on the shower and met Kacy in his closet as he searched for clothes to wear "Its hot already"

"Thanks" he mumbled, pulling off his shirt, revealing his back to Kat. Her eyes searched over all the scratch marks and she laughed a little.

"You and Karma must have good sex"


"Your back dude. Its covered in scratch marks" she traced a few of them with her hand "Anyway, come down when your done. And Kacy, don't worry. We're going to find her"

The room door closed and he sighed. He never had a doubt in his mind about that. It was just whether they'd find her alive or not was the big question.

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