The Angel of the End

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Hello everyone, this is my ever first story publish on my account but I deleted it and change it hope you enjoy, thank you

Serahpy's POV

"Your name?"the vampire ask me

"Serahpy (pronounce like "Serapi") Angela"I said

"You may pass"I pass the vampire and stand by and wait for Mika,Mika is boy he have only have girly name and Yuu

" Your name "

" Yuichiro"

"Your name"the vampire ask him

"Mikaela"he said and pass

"Let's go,Mika, Yuu"I said and he nod



"Here"she gave us a pack, and I just squeeze it but they drink it

"Serahpy,you're not going to drink it again"he ask me

"Mika,I won't drink that crap"I said

" Geez, you are stubborn like yuu"Mika said

"At least I am not stupid as him"

"Hey, who did you call stupid?"

Btw,I am Angela Serahpy,see I have an angelic name,they say I'm boyish but I guess I'm not,12 y/o,Mika, yuu and me are same age Akane,Mika, and others said that we are family,my poster parents told me I am a monster a demon a devil,my poster father tried to kill me.

We ate upstairs of our small house and reading some books

"Serahpy,let's offer our blood to Ferid the let's get the map of this vampire city,let's get out of this livestock"Mika said,Mika and Yuu is the only one I let to call me Serahpy.

" Since when did you plan for this, Mika"

"1 year ago since I encountered Master Ferid, I gave him my blood in exchange of food we have since last year"

"That's why you always came back with foods" I said

"Yes, my goal is for us to fed and now I want us to get out of here"

"Okay, I'll help you with your plan" I said

"What plan?" we saw yuu peeking 9n us

"You heard it wrong, I said plants. I miss how we plants flower when we are still at the orphanage" I said

"Is that so?? I miss to plant to. I wish we can get out of here" he said, good tging he is a moron

Next day Mika will go to master Ferid so I came with him

"Umm...Master Ferid"Mika started

"Oh little kids what do you need"he ask

"We just want to offer our blood"I said

Ferid's POV

I was happy that someone ofer their blood for me,but,that little girl smells different I hold the little girl and our posission is like I ready to suck her blood

"Wait"she stop me

"I thought that for vampires it's the rule not to drink blood straight to human"she said

"Are you a human"I whisper to my self

"What?"she ask

"I said let's go to my mansion"

"Master Ferid"the little girl called me

"What"I said

"Could we have favor if we offer our blood,we only have two favor"she ask me

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