Chapter 8 - Maddy

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Helloooooo! I gotta say, last chapter was probably the funnest I've written so far :P I even laugh at the things I write lol c: I'm starting to write at 8:45 tonight instead of 10 so maybe I can get some rest for my scrimmage tomorrow! I'm so excited, I can't wait to tell you guys about what happens! EEP!

Hehe, anywayizzle, this chapter is going to be another sorta slow one with maddy. I feel you guys need to get to know her more, so here it goes...!


"Maddy! Maddy, wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Hadley and Hannah shaking me and trying to pull the covers off; Drew inches from my face.

"Why, what's going on? Wha-HEY!" Hadley and Hannah finally managed to pull the sheets off my bed. "What are you guys so hyped up about?"

"Daddy's taking us to Bob Evans!" Drew screeched, rolling over me.

"Really? Why is he home today?" Dad and Mom always had work on the weekdays.

"He has a doctor appointment later today." Hadley said.

"So you gotta get up now so we can got to Bob Evans for breakfast!" Hannah added.

"BOB EVANS!" Drew screamed again.

"Okay, I'm getting up. Give me a few minutes to get ready, I'll be right downstairs." I responded, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"YAY!" Drew yelled, running out of my room and downstairs.

"Why is he...?"

"You know how he's always wanted to try coffee?" Hannah said, sifting through my closet.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes. Now hurry up and brush your hair, we're picking out your outfit today." Hadley said, examing my favorite jeans. "We need to take you back to school clothes shopping ASAP. Your clothes How can we describe them, Han?"





"Thanks for being sensitive to my fashion style, guys." I said, cutting the twins off. I brushed my hair to the side of my head and tied it with an elastic. Putting a piece of yellow (my favorite color) pre-wrap in, I walked back into my room to see what Hadley and Hannah had picked out. Instead, I found a sticky note that said, "Sorry, there are no acceptable options from H&H. Please check back when you go to the mall. With us." I tore the sticky note from my bed and dropped it in the trash. I had style, It just wasn't...dramatic. I decided on my favorite jeans that Hadley was looking at, and a gray and white striped tee shirt.

"Madeline, we have to go soon!" I heard Dad call from downstairs. I did a quick check in the mirror, gave myself an A, and hurried to the living room.

" 'In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines...' " Dad started while I put on a pair of converse.

" 'They left the house at half past nine...' " I quoted.

" 'The smallest one was Madeline.' " we finished in unison. We knew the whole Madeline book (by Ludwig Bemelmans) by heart. He used to read it to me every night before bed, us always saying the first verse together. I still knew it, and every now and then I bring out the old, beaten down book and read the story myself.

"Can we go, Daddy? Please? My tummy is angry!" Drew shouted, pointing to his stomach. Right on cue, it rumbled. Drew shouted in surprise.

"We can go, but only if you can calm down, okay? Remember, we are going to a restaurant and we have to be quiet, Drewbster." Dad laced up Drew's shoes, having difficulty because he kept wanting to escape.

"Alright gang, let's head out!" Dad called. We all filed out into the SUV, Hadley and Hannah playing rock-paper-scissors to see who get's shotgun.

"You know what? I think Maddy should sit up front today." Hadley and Hannah both stopped on paper, and scowled. They looked at each other.

"Da-ad, why?" Hannah asked. The two of them had their famous puppy dog faces on.

"C'mon, girls, just this once. You can have it next trip, okay?" he compromised.


Beaming, I went around to the front. H & H went to the back, Hannah strapping a hyper Drew in his car seat. When things were finally situated, Dad pulled out of the driveway and headed towards town. The car ride was pleasant for me, because I could finally sit in the front seat for once. Drew, on the other hand was practicing his ABCs, Dad helping him when he got stuck on H, L, & R; Hadley & Hannah were discussing the latest fall trends. We arrived at Bob Evans and were seated in the far right of the restaurant.

"Can I get you any drinks, orange juice, apple juice, coffee?" the waitress asked, handing out menus.

"Coffee!" Drew said, bouncing in his seat. Dad turned a little red.

"Sorry into the candy this morning. But he'll have a glass of milk, and I'll have some -" he glanced at Drew."- you know what with cream."

The waitress laughed. "Alright, and for you three?" Hadley ordered an apple juice, Hannah getting orange, and me ordering milk. The waitress scribbled on her notepad, and then said, "Okay! I'll get those right out for you." She walked away, leaving us with an awkward silence. Well, except for Drew humming his ABC's.

"So, Maddy, why don't you further explain the incident at your scrimmage yesterday?" Dad said, leafing through the his menu. I was busy twiddling around with the sugar packets; I already knew what I was getting. We went here a lot for breakfast, nearly every summer weekday Dad's home. I didn't even need a menu.

"What is there more to explain?" I retorted. I thought I had a good comeback, it felt like a I-know-what-you-are-but-what-am-I moment.

"Well, who was the knight in shining armor that saved you?" Hadley asked. Her and Hannah giggled.

"Please. He's just a self centered jerk. He probably just did it for the glory." I mumbled back. I opened a packet of sugar and dumped half into my mouth. Derek, a knight in shining armor. Good joke Hadley.

"Well, I've got to use the men's room real quick, and I'm thinking Drew does too." I looked over at him. He was squirming very uncomfortably. "You guys know what to get me?" Dad asked.

"Steak and eggs, over easy with rye toast." We all responded.

"That's my girls." Dad said before getting up and tagging Drew along.

"Anyways, back to this Derek. Sounds hot." Hannah said. I was taken aback.

"Wha, how did you get that?" I asked. It was such an abrupt statement-

No. Not statement, Maddy. Opinion. O-pin-ion.

"Oh, naive Maddy. You know we've seen him when we pick you up from practices." Hadley said.

"Oh." I replied, dumping the rest of the sugar onto my tongue. "He's not..." I hesitated. "Hot. He's mean, and most certainly not a hero."

"Punching someone in the face and risking his spot on the team, sounds like a hero. And heroes aren't mean." Hadley reasoned. Before I could reply, Hannah butt in.

"C'mon, Maddy. He's a total cutie, just go for it. You know you like him." she said, the waitress coming in and setting down our drinks. Hannah said a quick thank you to her, the waitress smiling. I swear when she left, the waitress smiled at me. I had an uneasy feeling she overheard the conversation.

"I don't like him, please stop saying that." I whined. The more they said it, the more I thought about his playful smirk, and the brown hair that barely brushed his green eyes...

"Madeline Joelle, stop being ridiculous!" Hannah exclaimed. She leaned into me. "I swear, if you don't admit it, I will-"

"Ahem." I heard Dad say. I let out a sigh of relief, for Dad had saved me.

Hannah sat up and gave Dad her puppy face as he sat down with Drew. "But you don't understand-"

"I guess I don't understand what threatening your little sister means. Apologize?"

"Sorry, Maddy." Hannah said, rolling her eyes. Dad smiled and looked over his menu. Hidden from view, Hadley and Hannah pointed to their eyes, then mine looking menacing. I gulped.

"So have you folks decided what you'd like?" The waitress asked. Dad and Drew ordered their food first. "And for you, Maddy?" she asked. I guess we went here so often the waitress knew my name.

I looked at her politely in the eyes and asked for my usual: two pancakes, home fries, bacon, and a dish of fresh fruit. I coudn't help but notice how her eyes were so bright, it was unlike any other's I've ever seen. Well, except Derek's. The funny thing was, hers were green too, and the same shape. In fact, it was inhumanely similar to Derek's. What was this lady's name?

"Thank you, Carrie." Dad said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I handed my menu to her, peeking at her name tag and trying to connect the dots to this lady's missing identity. I knew I could match the name to someone, I knew it, I just couldn't think of it.

Horrifically and suddenly, I knew where this name came from. Carrie was the one who everyone congratulated after soccer matches on her son's job well done. Carrie was the most involved soccer mom, assisting with the high school boys soccer team 24/7. Carrie was the mom who helped fund the hotel at the state soccer tournament.

Carrie Weaver was Derek Weaver's mom.


Can't leave you guys relaxed too long, can I? haha >:) Weeeell, as you might be able to tell, I have a bit of writer's block. no, more like cube. Like a tiny cube. But I'm back into the fast track, ready to rile up your minds ^u^

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