"A badas* blonde beating the sh*t outta people!"

"No. End of discussion." Jane said as she got up to leave the room.

"Jane." Thor stood up and grabbed her hand. "The Avengers may not be... cooperating, but they will and when they will, they'll need Julia. She can do a lot more than we think she can."

Jane crossed her arms. "Alright fine. But, just don't let her get hurt."

"I wont." Thor smiled. He showed his nice white teeth. Jane smiled back.

"Why does that guy bother you?" Torun asked Julia, referring to the obnoxious guy in algebra.

"I don't know, he's always has." Julia shrugged her shoulders.

"Why do you just let him bother you?"

"Because I have better things to do then to tell him off."

"Like..." Tour's voice trailed off. His blue eyes studied her.

"Do homework, get good grades, worry about that school."

"What school?" Torun's head tilted.

The dirty blonde's head started to hurt real bad. "Julia?" Torun said. Julia's eyes focused on a packet of paper. "Julia." Torun said again with more concern in his voice. The blonde stood up and shook his sister. "Julia." The demigod said for the third time.

The dirty blonde shook her head. "Sorry." She said.

"Your head was hurting." Torun said.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I-I don't know. It's like I felt your pain."

"That's cool." Julia said. "Not the fact that you can feel my pain but that you can feel my pain. Ya know what I mean?"

Torun looked at Julia very vaguely. "I guess not." Julia said. The twins started to get to work on Torun's homework.


"What are you doing?" Jenny asked her older brother.

"Reading a book on how to drive." Sean smiled.

"Where are you going?" Jenna looked upset.

"Nowhere, for now." He kept smiling. Jenny grabbed the book from Sean's hands and threw it. "Jenny!" Sean yelled.

"You are not leaving me." Jenny crossed her arms. "You are only 15. Why do you want to leave?"

Sean's anger faded. He realized his sister just didn't want him to forget about her. "I'm not leaving." Sean wrapped his arms around Jenny. "Did Mum tell you to do this?" Sean looked down at her.

"Now why would I do that?" Natasha walked into the room. The Banners were one of the last group of  people to leave the tower. They went back to Great Britain.

"Because you don't want me to drive." Sean raised his eye brow, as he let go of Jenny.

"If I didn't want you to drive, I would've just told you." She laughed.

"I think you have actually." Sean smiled. "Look I might not even get my license until I'm about 20."

"Works for me." Natasha smiled.

"Who wants to see me turn nitrogen into a cloud of smoke?" Bruce yelled from the other room.

"I do!" Sean ran to where his father's lab was. Natasha and Jenny laughed as they followed.

The Banners were a very close nit family. They always watched out for one another. Jenny didn't tell Sean, but she was upset that Sean might be 'leaving' soon. It hurt Nat too and even Bruce. Sean and Jenny went to school everyday while Bruce made science experiments and Nat looked at old case files.

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