"Clint," Natasha said looking at him in surprise.

"Look at us Nat," He faced the Russian spy. "We don't know how to work together. We can't do anything without wanting to rip each other's heads off." He then turned to face the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, "Sorry this whole school thing didn't work, Fury. I'm taking Nate back to our farm tomorrow, call us of you need anything." He nodded his head to everyone and left the room.

"Take your children home." Nick said. "They need time to adjust. They are, after all, just children."


"Sean, what are we looking for?" Bruce asked at he took little steps in the old control room.

"Answers." Sean said. "Why would they kept this room here if they don't want anyone in here?" Sean asked himself quietly.

"What?" Bruce asked.

Sean didn't answer. His brown eyes were focused on the buttons, they followed up to the TV screens. He put his finger on the rewind button and took a deep breath. A man with a black cloak and a hood wandered the halls. The man did not reveal himself. He knew there were cameras. Sean thoughts were filled with rage. The man then pulled out a gun, Sean could see Howard standing a couple feet behind his mother and the Captain of America. He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes, refusing to watch. He winced when the sound of the bullet filled his ears and let out breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"There is nothing here." Sean said.

"Do we need to check any other places?" Bruce asked.

"No, nothing will help." Sean's brown eyes looked at the TVs just in time to see the red eyes of the man, they seemed to glow. Sean's mouth hung open, he whipped his body around and faced his father and said, "Father, could you please check the hall where it all happened?"

"Okay...What am I looking for." Bruce was confused.

"Anything." Sean said as he ran out of the room.


"So much for our team." Torun said to Julia, Emily, Nate, and Jenny.

"We have't find a way to make this work." Julia said.

"Why?" Nate said. "I over heard my dad, he said 'we don't know how to work together' and it's true, we don't! How many times a week do we all fight? Never mind don't hurt yourself counting."

"There is somebody out there, killing innocent people." Julia raised her voice.

"Julia." Torun tried to calm his sister down.

"No! You realize that one of us could be next and I don't know about you, farm boy, but I want to stay alive!"

" 'Farm Boy?' All you care about is getting into that stupid school," Nate shot back. "Well what if you don't get in, huh? Then what? Are you okay with dieing?"

"That's not the point!" Julia yelled.

Torun couldn't watch much longer. "HEY!" He stepped in between the two. "You," He turned his head toward Nate, "You were just talking about how we get into to many fights-"

"Yeah." Julia said.

"And you," Torun faced Julia, "Me?" Julia questioned. "You should not be arguing with him, it feeds the fight."

"You fight all the time in Asgard!"

"I fight to save people, I don't fight with my team mates."

"We are not a team." Jenny spoke up.

"You act like you've been on a team before, England." Julia criticized.

"I have!" Jenny yelled. "It was a better team than this will ever be!"  Sean was approaching their group when he stopped out of sight. He was hurt by what Jenny had said.

"Oh yeah because the British are known for how well they were when it came to teams cough cough the American Revolution." Nate said.

"What do you mean?" Jenny spat.

"Your people burned down other peoples homes, just like the Nazis did to the Jews."

"The British Army never did such a thing as close to the Nazis. We may burned people's houses down but never with people inside." Jenny reached for her sword.

"Jenny!" Sean said as he grabbed her arm, moving it away from her sword.

"You act like you know everything about the British army back then." Julia said harshly.

"I do know everything! I know because I was one, I was a red coat!" Jenny yelled as loud as she could. She let out a deep breath and looked at the ground. Jenny didn't want them knowing her secret.

Sean put an arm around her shoulder. "Its okay." He whispered.

"Jenny we're sorry, we didn't know." Nate said. Jenny shrugged her shoulders.

They stood there in silence for quite a while. Let me tell you something, nothing was the same after that day filled with darkness.


Your eyes they shine so bright

I wanna save that light

I can't escape this now

Unless you show me how.


Hey guys sorry it took a while to update today, Sundays are my homework days as well ( my mom says thats bad oh whale 🐳 )

Demons is by Imagine Dragons (Sorry I know one chapter was just an Imagine Dragons song) The entire song fits this chapter pretty well. Everyone has demons nobody wants to see, Emily thoughts about her mothers death, Jenny's secret, Natasha's doubts, Lucy's and Tony's emotions, Clint's wants to go home, and even they way Sean turned his head when he was watching Howard's death. Tony and Lucy want to 'save Howard's light' but they don't know how.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! BYEEEEEEEEE!

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