CHAPTER 5 -"These stupid cunts are fucking pushy!"

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*Emma's POV*

"Scarlet Monroe?" The announcer said. I look at Scar * No way, she won. That means I can see my favorite band!*

"oh my gosh, Scar you won!" At that point I forgot what was wrong with Scar. She went to the announcer , And got her ticket checked.

"How do you feel?" The announcer asked Scar. She looked around and then yelled that she won. She seemed pretty excited for someone who wasn't a big fan. But I could tell that she was shocked and then she just collapsed.

*Wow Emma you are such a good friend. You totally forgot about Scar's condition. You were so eager about winning this raffle, such a selfish thing.* my thoughts were harsh.

"Scar! Scar! Open your eyes Scar! Someone help!"

" Everybody stand back!" I saw the medics come by

"Is she alive?" I felt a tear go down my cheek, I was scared.

"Yes she is!" she said to me, I was relieved. " Come one lets get her out of here!"

"Wait! Can I go?!?! " I said but every little fangirl was speaking over me saying things like. ' I'm her best friend! take me with you!' I can't believe how low people can go. This was outrageous!

"Wait! I'm her real best friend!" I yelled, but of course no one would believe me.

"Look, how about you wait by the gate guarded by security, and wait until she is better and awake. By then she will ask for best friend. Ok?"

I just stepped away, and sat down by the gate. *I'm not leaving this spot!* I opened my backpack, took out my snacks and water , and got myself comfortable. *please wake up Scar!*

~~~time passes~~~~


I open my eyes and took a deep breath( I know that's cliché). I looked around and I see That I'm in a white room and a strong bright light hit my eyes. *Am I dead?* I closed my eyes, Scared to open them.

"Oh good your awake.-" a voice said. I looked around to see who it was."You should rest, close your eyes and relax." the voice was soothing I had calmed down, but I didn't close my eyes. I finally see a lady, With a shirt saying that she was part of medical services.

"You're not dead, If thats what you're thinking."she said. I finally spoke up.

"Where am I?" I asked

" You're in the infirmary, you fainted and was sent over here." she looked over at me ":You're still in Warped if you were wondering." she said.

"what are you psychic?" I said sarcastically. she smiled and chuckled a little

*uhh I wasn't trying to be funny, I was actually pretty rude to you. Ughh whatever at least you have a good spirit towards sarcasm*

I looked around once more, I've felt more like a lost puppy.I also noticed that Emma was not here. *where is she?"

"Are you looking for someone?" she asked.

"Yeah my best friend." I said rather worried.

"Oh, you seem to have a lot of those-" I was confused. "They are all waiting for you outside. To think how far people would go to get some-" A security guard came in the room before she can finish her sentence.

"The crowd is getting out of hand! he said.

"well she's awake now maybe you should ask her." the nurse pointed at me, and the guard looked at me .

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