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One question I ask myself everyday is "why are there wars?"

As a kid the word 'war' didn't exist. Now all you hear on the news is how our troops did such and such and a foreign place is planning to do this and so on.

When 9/11 happened....I was only a year old. I can't remember anything at all about it. The stories I've been told and the videos I watch at school is all that I know of it.

I think it happened because humans are truly merciless and cruel. We'll kill each other to solve conflicts and do anything to protect what we believe is ours.

We all want peace but I've realized without war, there is no such thing as peace. We wouldn't need the word peace if war never existed. Peace is not attainable without war.

All the fighting, the blood shed, the pain, the tears, and stolen lives have all been caused by war.

I only hope for conflicts to be solved with words. Although it can never be possible. There are people in this world who use violence to handle their problems and anger consumes them. And this is one fact we can't ignore no matter how hard we try.

So I believe the answer to my question, "why are there wars?"

Can be answered like this,
"We're only human."

Every human has a different personality and different perspectives on the world. So getting along isn't easy at all. But peace is manageable; in a way. It's human nature to fight, just like any other animal protecting its loved ones.

This may or may not make sense to you and it's okay if it doesn't. This is just what I think and believe to be true. And this of course proves my statement about being different because we all believe different things and have different morals.

We're only human.

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