Chapter 01 (Revised)

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"Immogine Broken!Officials have confirmed today that Immogine, the leading secure online data storage dump, was breached by unknown cyber hackers last week

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"Immogine Broken!
Officials have confirmed today that Immogine, the leading secure online data storage dump, was breached by unknown cyber hackers last week. Over 60,000,000,00 personal files had been accessed and stolen, making this one of the largest identity theft in history. This is now the third incident of this kind. The CEO of the company, Norman..."

Rory again tried to focus on the article in the newspaper, blocking out the sounds of students and the tastelessly bright colored slop that sat untouched on her lunch tray. It was hard to believe what passed as food there at the academy. As if the bright colors made the stuff any better, it was mandatory for students to eat the stuff every four days in order to replenish the necessary vitamins that living in outer space on a space station depleted.

She didn't buy that though. She wasn't sure why she felt wary about the food, but surely with all this technology available they could have come up with better tasting things to eat. Even her art paints had more appeal to them then the tasteless mash potato stuff they synthesized from the food processor.

Briefly eyeing the slop that now appeared slightly browned and moving, she sighed and returned her attention to scanning the headlines.

"I'm bored. Is there anything to do around here besides studying?" Said a petite blonde sitting across the table. With her head down, her words came out muffled as she rolled her forehead back and forth across the imitation marbled top. She was another thing that Rory had been saddled up with recently that was just as lumpy and unappealing as her food.

Gabby, a newly enrolled student at the academy, was the pinnacle problem in her life at the moment. Having to require a humanities credit to graduate, she had been assigned to be her mentor while she adjusted to living there at the academy. Despite the personal profile she had to fill out and submit for the best possible match, the computer had for some reason placed Gabby in her care. They couldn't be more dissimilar if she was a Gorgnit, a tall green creature covered in a waxy skin and leaking pungent pus from all of its pores. So why did the computer match them up? All she could come up with was that either the computer program was broken or the universe was seriously out of balance.

The collective noise of chattering voices and clattering dishes drowned out anything else brooding girl wanted to say. Even the fire rainstorm pelting various pieces of asteroid chunks against the thick plexiglass dome up above them wasn't enough to distract the vivacious youth from her sudden melancholy.

Not wanting to dwell on the matter any further, Rory returned her focus to her newspaper and continued to scan the next page's headlines for any interesting news around the universe. It was only after a series of shallow repetitious thuds that Rory finally took pity on the lunch table and offered in a monotone voice, "You could go running you know, like as in track. I heard exercise keeps your muscles from weakening out here in the black. There are also rumored to be a large number of cute guys hanging around the tracks all hours."

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