Waking Up & Meeting Ichigo's Family

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~Ichigo pov~

As I was walking home still caring a sleeping looking (y/n) {Wow reader-chan is still sleeping from last chapter \/(-_-)\/ meh} while carrying her bride style and doesn't looks like shes's hurt or anything but they were covered well. Once I made it home and open the door no one was still there or  they are just in their rooms so I took (y/n) up stairs to my room. I laid her down on my bed and just let her rest till she gets better. I then was about to walk out of my room but then saw Yuzu open the door. "Hay Ichigo you're finally home-" She stopped when she saw (y/n) laying down on my bed and was 'sleeping'. Yuzu then looked at me. "Ichigo who is she?" She said and walked in my room and closed the door. "Ok Yuzu don't get the wrong idea she's just a friend and she fainted because of the rain since it was cold." I said making it up and try to cover up about what happened today. Yuzu accepted the fact and then looked at her again. "Then shouldn't you cover her with a blanket." She said and went over and put a blanket over her. That was when (y/n) started to move a bit and wake up.

I freaked out a bit because she worked up as Yuzu was about to put a blanket over her. I can tell that Yuzu freaked out to because she stopped a bit when she saw her awake. Yuzu then tries to cover it up. "Oh hi there are you feeling any better?" Yuzu said and covered (y/n) with the blanket. (Y/N) looked at her then at me and I think she got the idea that we're siblings but to make sure I told her. "(Y/N) this is my sister Yuzu." I said to make sure she got it. (Y/N) then nods as she got it. "Hello I'm (y/n) nice to meet you and yes I do feel better. Thank you for asking." (Y/N) said as she sat up on the bed but then Yuzu suggested for her to get more rest. (Y/N) agreed and Yuzu then left.

As Yuzu finally got out of my room I let out a sigh of relief. I then looked at (y/n). "Are you sure that you are ok?" I said a bit worried because I remembered her screaming after that had happened. I saw her nod. "Yeah I'm fine Ichigo don't worry about it." She said soft smile. I blushed a bit and was wondering that if I'm getting feelings for her if I just met her just  two days ago. I was then snapped out from my thoughts when I heard (y/n). "Hey Ichigo I was wondering if I could go home. If that's ok with you." She said looking at me but then I thought about how Yuzu wanted her to rest a bit more. "Yeah you could go home but then again my sister will try to stop you and tell you to stay a rest. Once she says that you should rest she means it." I said thinking about what happened when I was sick one day and try to go to school. "Oh ok then I think I should stay then so I wouldn't bother her that much right?"

I could tell that she didn't know how people could care for her. I went over to her and sat next to her on the edge of my bed. I then placed one of my hand on her head. "Yeah it won't bother her that much." I said and smiled at her softly and I saw her blushing a bit. I laughed a bit then got up. " I think that you should meet my other sister and my dad I guess." I said and was thinking how my dad was going to act.

(Y/N) got up and then stood next to me. "Well let's go meet your dad and you other sister then." She said and then went up to open the door. As she opened the door my dad falls in with an empty cup in one of his hands. "Dad what the hell?!" I went over to him and looked at him annoyed. 'This must be like the tenth time he did this.' I said to myself and saw him again and he was standing up now and was hiding the cup behind his back. "Well Ichigo I didn't notice that you would be bringing such a beautiful lady with you. What's your name?" My dad said with his oh-so-nice personality that crosses the line. "Well my name is (y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Kurosaki." I heard (y/n) say her name. "Wow such a well mannered lady too. Ichigo you really hit the jackpot on this one."

I got angry and punched him. "Can you mind your own business?!" I said having a tick mark on my head. I then see him complaining to a poster of my mom. 'Really that again as always.' I looked at (y/n) and notice she was smiling and blushing at the same time. "Sorry about my dad I should have warned you about him to you before." I said scratching the back of my neck. "No it's fine. I can tell that he cares for you Ichigo." I looked at her surprised and remember that she doesn't have a family for almost half of her life. "Yeah." I said and then told her to follow me into the living room.

~(Y/N) pov~

'I never notice that his family can be so fun and cheerful.' I said to myself and followed him to the living room. I then felt a weak and a strong spiritual pressure. I can tell that the weak one was Yuzu's and I couldn't tell who the other one is. I can also tell that his dad has a strong spiritual pressure too. I was glad that I was hiding mines so they can't take a hint to know what I carry inside of me which was of course a demon and an angel. Once me and Ichigo made it to the living room I could see the other person who has a strong spiritual pressure and by the looks of it it may be Ichigo's other sister.

'She looks exactly like Yuzu but with a different personality, hair color and eye color.' I said to myself and then saw Ichigo look at me and I think he notice that I was feeling their spiritual pressure but I wasn't to sure if he did. "(Y/N) this is my other sister Karin. Karin this is my friend (y/n)." I heard Ichigo said and I see Karin looking at me. "Hi it's nice to meet you." I said giving her a small wave. "Oh hi" I heard Karin said and I notice that she wasn't that much of socializing with new people. I notice that quick with her so I just went with it. I looked around Ichigo's house and saw that it was like a family type of house that feels relaxing.

I started to feel a bit down and I then heard Karin talking to Ichigo. "Hay Ichigo whats up with her?" I heard her whisper and then i heard Ichigo. "Sorry Karin I can't tell-" I cut him off with a sigh and I nod at him. "It's fine you can tell them." I said and then faced Karin and then back to Ichigo and nod again to make him feel that it was fine to tell her. "Ok well her parents died when she was young." I heard Ichigo said and then saw Karin's and Yuzu's reaction and they were both the same sorta but Yuzu became more emotional. "Please don't feel bad. Things were meant to happen that day." I said and went over to hug Yuzu because I can tell she needed a hug. "There, there Yuzu." I said calming her down the best that I can and also pet her head a bit. I then felt her hug back and I felt her sobbing a bit.

I had a soft smile on and my eyes were closed. 'So this is what it feels like to be cared from others.' I said and comfort Yuzu a bit more. Once she was calm she then smiled at me. "You can come over as much as you like if you don't want to be lonely." I smiled down at Yuzu and nod. "Thank you Yuzu." I then faced at Ichigo who was smiling at the things that he just saw. "You too Ichigo. Thank you." I said smiling at him. I looked over at the window and saw that it wasn't rainy anymore. 'Maybe I won't feel lonely anymore and don't have to hide anything. I feel like I can trust them.' I said to myself and had a soft smile across my face.

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