Balance Between Good and Evil

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~Ichigo pov~

I caught (y/n) just in time before she could hit the floor. I then looked at both Hikari and Kuraidesu. "Why did she faint?" I said scared out of my mind. Kuraidesu came in front of me and took (y/n) away from me. "Hay don't just-" "Quiet I know what I'm doing and so does Hikari. Right?" She said looking at Hikari who nod and them looked at me. "Sorry Ichigo but she can't control the balance between good and evil right now. That is why me and Kuraidesu came out of her." I looked at her shocked and then looked at (y/n) worried. "What happens if she doesn't controls it?" I said still looking at (y/n).

Kuraidesu and Hikari looked at each other and then looked back at me. Then Kuraidesu started to talk. "It's either she falls to the darkness-" "Or to the light." Hikari said finishing her sentence. "Also she will only have one of us with her if that does happen." Hikari said looking at (y/n) {a lot of looking at reader-chan} and had slightly shown a sad face. "That is why me and Kuraidesu need to keep her in balance and not pressure her to being good or evil." She finished saying and then walked up to Kuraidesu and placed a hand on (y/n) head. "Right now it looks like she's falling into the dark side for some reason."

I got more worried about (y/n) because if she falls into the darkness Hikari won't be here to look out for her and I have a slightly bad vibe about Kuraidesu. "Stop getting worry carrot head and if Hikari goes and I'm only here I won't make her do anything bad." Kuraidesu said still holding onto (y/n). "Even if I want to I wont because she is like a sister to me and I don't want her to be like me." I looked at her and was shocked at what she said. "Also I will bring Hikari back so we can be balance and equal and not one is powerful than the other because that's not fair and I don't want my sister to disappear." I looked between Kuraidesu and Hikari and notice that they both have their similarity and now that Kuraidesu said that they were sisters I can understand.

I walked up to them and wanted to help them to what they need to do to balance out the good and the bad in (y/n). "What can I do to help?" I said seriously and I looked at Kuraidesu and then down to (y/n) and back at Kuraidesu who seems to understand that I want to carry (y/n). "Fine you can help us and no you can't carry her yet." Kuraidesu said holding (y/n) closer to her. I sighed and nod.

~(Y/N) pov~

'Why can I only see darkness and not the light with it too?' I was unconscious and couldn't feel anything but the darkness consuming me. I try to wake up but I couldn't. It feels like I was put in a deep sleep.

~Ichigo pov~

"So where are we taking her again?" I said looking at Kuraidesu still caring (y/n). "Don't worry about it. Anyways only you can come because she trusts you more right now and that means that we trust you too." Hikari said opening a portal to somewhere I don't know. I sighed and nod and followed them for now. Once we go in I started to look around and notice that we were in a forest. "Why are we in a forest?" I looked around and then saw a circle of pillars and they were in a pattern of white and black but the white pillars were slowly turning black.

I went up to where they were and was about to touch a pillar but then got smacked on the hand. I flinched and held my hand that got hit by Kuraidesu. "Hay! Why did you did that for?!" I said getting pissed off but then notice that (y/n) was laying down in the middle of the circle of pillars. "Well if you don't want to interfere to putting her in balance of good and evil then don't touch those pillars." She said and turned around and looked at Hikari. "Hay Hikari are we good to go?!" Kuraidesu said screaming from half of the circle to where Hikari is. I then saw one other her hand give out a thumbs up. Kuraidesu then turned to me and started to push me. "Hay you know you could've told me to move!" I said still being pushed by her. "Yeah I know but I like pushing people much better and it's faster."

When she got me out in a away from the circle that (y/n) was lying in she then went back. I got a bit worried to what they are going to do to her but then I released (y/n) said that this happens few times so I have to trust them into what they are going to do. I then saw Hikari and Kuraidesu go up to each other and held theirs hands and started to chant something out loud. "I Kuraidesu.." "And I Hikari." {talks together} "Shall balance the good and the evil in this child's soul and shall not fall in one of them but to keep balance. We shall balance her for both good and evil and night and day." That's all they said and a beam of light shot down to (y/n) and that's when I heard her scream.

I then started to panic and started to run to where she was but couldn't get to her as there was a force field around the circle. "Ichigo get away from here." I heard Hikari saying trying to stay calm and continue to hold onto Kuraidesu's hand. "Ichigo please trust us get away from here." I heard Kuraidesu said seriously also worried and was also continuing to hold Hikari's hand but all I could hear after what they said was (y/n) screams. I couldn't help but feel worried for her but I shouldn't worry as much because they're doing this for (y/n) to not be out of balance. I then moved out away from where they were in.

I continue to look and see (y/n) flouting a bit and was holding in her screams this time. I could tell that she was going into a lot of pain but she had to stay strong. Then I looked up and saw a circle come out on top of them and it was slowly coming down. It then shrunk and went into (y/n). She was then slowly placed on the ground and Kuraidesu and Hikari fell onto their knees. I started to run to where they were at really quick and once I got there I saw Kuraidesu helping up Hikari up off the ground and they were slowly disappearing. "Please take good care of her Ichigo." They both said and then Kuraidesu started to look at me all seriously. "If you do anything to hurt her you'll get a visit from me..." Her face then softened and she had a soft smile. "But please take care of her and ... you have my permission to be with her." She said smirking as she knew somethings going to happen between us.

I started to blush madly for a while and Hikari then smacked her on her head a little but then nod into agreeing to her. That was all when they went back into (y/n) body. I then went up to her and smiled softly and her. I gently picked her up off the ground and then a portal appeared that lead back into the soul society. I walked in caring (y/n) bride stile and I saw Rukia and Byakuya was standing where they were before. "Hay we're back." I said and they both looked at my releaved and Byakuya nod at Rukia and Rukia nod back. "We should all go rest now Ichigo." I nod and looked down at (y/n). Rukia then open the gates and we went back to the land of the living.

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