Chapter 38

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When I woke up I was back in my 'Room' with the chain wrapped around my neck again.  I sat up and looked around. I was a human now. I had different clothes. and my hair was up in a pony tail.  I had a blanket to cover up with. I quickly grabbed it and covered up.

I backed up against the wall and stared at the door. I could still see people walking by. No one was looking in at me. They continued walking or talking in some cases. I watched them for what seemed like forever. 

Jason.....I asked through the mind link

Were still searching Lexi dont worry. He replied

Jason..I killed someone...

They made you fight someone

I killed her

You had too
He said

I could have died... I said softly

Lexi dont say that. You cant die. You cant give up yet were going to find you. Dont think that were not. He said. I looked at the ground. All I wanted to do was go home.

I heard the door unlock. I looked up and saw a boy walk in holding a bowl of something and a plate with a sandwich on it.  He looked at me and closed the door when he walked in. Then he walked over to me and put the sandwich down then sat down next to me.

"Im Donovan ..." He said softly. His voice was lower then I expected it to be. But not like really low, like scary low, but more like a 'normal' deep sounding voice? Does that make sense?  He had black hair that covered his left eye. His eyes were a light blue. He looked about my age.

"Lexi...What happened to the other girl??" I asked.

"You were in the last fight right?" He asked softly. I nodded. He looked at the ground "Then you know what happened to her"

"...I killed her?" I whimpered

"Yeah... they only have one fight a night." He said. I looked at the ground and hugged my knees tight. I didnt like this. I dont think I could handle killing someone every night. Or just killing someone. 

"Where am I?" I asked

"I dont know. I dont know anything. I came here in December 2014. And they always move around looking for more places to fight....." He said. I whimpered

"Last I checked it was June 2015" I said softly. He looked at me then looked back at the ground. 

"Do you know who took us?" I asked. He shook his head then looked up at the ceiling.

"They always call him Boss.  All his workers I mean. And When he talks to us were not allowed to talk to him  so he doesnt give us a name to use. Unless your special then he'll let you call him boss. But that's it." He said

"Well what is he doing?" 

"You already know the basics.  For fighting. He has a thing for werewolves, he hates us. He uses us to get money. Kinda like Pit bull fighting. He also has us get him other things but in the end he always gets money from it." He looked back at the ground. 

"How often do they move?"

"I dont know. depends on how many rouges he finds."

"I wasnt a rouge." I said. He looked at me

"What?" He asked

"I wasnt a rouge. " I said again

"Wait so you were in a pack?"

"Yes, I was the Luna." 

"Oh my god! Are you serious?"

"Yes? Why is that so exciting?" I asked

"That means they are gonna look for you. They probably already have been looking for you but that means that they wont give up! He only goes after rouges because no one cares about them. No one would notice if they disappeared randomly with out telling anyone. But you were the female alpha of a pack which means people will notice and they could help you out!!" He smiled. I looked at him

"What about you?" I asked.

"Me? I wasn't in a pack, so no one would look for me." He said softly. I frowned.

"I'll make sure that you get out too." I said.

"Thanks but you dont have to waist your time on me. When you get out you need time to get away, and that time shouldn't be wasted on a nobody." He mumbled.

"Hey, your not a nobody. No one is." I said, even though I didnt believe that but what ever. "How old are you?"

"16 now I guess. My birthday was in January. " He said.

Jason were saving this kid whose name is Donovan and he's 16 and I swear to god if you dont save him I will murder you. I thought through the mind link. 

Okay. Do you know anything?
He asked

Everyone calls him boss and he moves around a lot, I dont know when he moves so you better hurry

Okay we are

Okay.."I should probably go. I'll be back later to get you more food. " He said. He stood up and walked to the door. 

"By Donovan"

"By Lexi" He said then closed the door leaving me alone in the darkness.










Authors note~

I updated agaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn ermegerd! Im happy. So Chapter 40 is going to be the last chapter in the book and then Im starting the next book which is gonna be called Animal I Have Become.  I already made the cover for it and I like it a lot  Mkay bye

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