I get up and put on my black moccasins and jacket. I grab my small crossbody purse from the coat rack in the foyer.

"I'm going out. I'll be back later," I yell, hoping my parents can hear me.

I walk out the door and to my car. I get in the and start it. I back out and drive to Starbucks across the street from Millennium Park. The girls and I first went here about a year and a half ago, and we always come here when we need to talk with each other. Also when we need coffee. One of us sends a group text like, 'Red alert, starbucks,' or, 'Starbucks, ASAP,'  and then by the laws of girl code, we're all pretty much required to go.

I arrive at Starbucks and park my car. I go put my keys in my purse and go in. I get into the short line and go on my phone until it's my turn to order. I order a carmel brulée latte and a lemon loaf. It comes out to be $6.70, and I pay for it with a gift card my mom got me. She knows me so well.

All of the girls show up right as I get my drink and lemon loaf. I sit down at a table and wait for them to order and get their food and drinks. They come over and sit down at the table.

"What's happening? Why the red alert?" Mar asks.

"Um," I say, taking a sip of my latte. "You guys know that Four and I have had arguments in the past and stuff, right?"

"Yeah," they say.

"And you know it sucks when you're mad at the guy you love, because all you want is to kiss them, and for them to hold you, and to talk to them. I haven't talked to Four in five days." Tears start falling from my eyes. "I really really miss him." I wipe the tears away from under my eyes and on my cheeks with my fingers.

"Just talk to him, he's probably feeling the strain too," Chris says.

"Ok." I nod my head.

"What's the argument about?" Lynn asks.

"Well, at the party, my brother got mad at me because I didn't stick up for Amanda when you were yelling at her," I laugh, "and I just wanted to let off some steam, so I grabbed Four's arm and started going upstairs. He stopped me and was like, 'Tris, stop. I know what you're doing and it doesn't feel very good.' Then he pulled his arm out of my grasp and left."

"Ooh, girl, he probably feels like he's being used," Chris says, her love for gossip shining through.

"But he knows that I never would use him like that!" I say.

"Does he?" Mar says.

I sigh. I put my elbows on the table and then my head in my hands. "What have I done?" I ask myself.

"You can still fix it," Shauna says, giving me a smile.

"I know, thanks, Shaun. Have you told Zeke yet?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I did about three days ago."

"How'd he take it?" Mar asks.

"Really well, actually. He seems kinda happy about it, which is a little relieving."

"Thays good," Chris says.

We talk for an hour, and leave long after the food was devoured and the drinks were drunk. I drive home, and park in the driveway. I get out and walk to the front door. I open the door, and Tobias stands there, a little more than five feet back, like he's been waiting for me. I hang up my purse and pull out what's left of the lemon loaf in the little paper bag they give you.

"I brought back some lemon loaf for you. I know how much you love it." I give him a small smile and hold the bag up.

"I'm sorry." It's all he says, but somehow it's enough for me to know what he's talking about.

"I'm sorry too." I run up to him and jump in his arms. "I miss you," I whisper.

"I miss you too," he breathes, blowing some of my hair back. I move my hand to his hair, and hug him tighter. He puts me back on the ground after a bit. He wipes a tear from my cheek. "Is that lemon loaf still up for grabs?" he asks, making me toss my head back and laugh.

"Of course it is." I smile. We walk over to the couch and sit on it. We split what's left of the loaf in half, and I end up taking some of his. I stuff it in my mouth and swallow it before he can get it back.

"Thanks," I say with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, yeah. You're welcome. Just remember that I know where live," he warns, pointing a finger at me.

"Ooh, scary," I laugh. "Have I ever told you I love you?"

"Eh, once or twice," he says, causing me to laugh again.
A/N: hey guys! Did I actually update in less than two days?  Woah, mission accomplished, people! Lol. Two things, 50 FREAKING THOUSAND READS ON DIVERGENT HIGH! You guys are literally the best! Now the second thing, CHRISTMAS IS IN LESS THAN THREE DAYS!!!! Aahh! Yass!
Love you guys! ;-*

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