Chapter 1

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Hey guys, my name's Rhys, I am a happy 16-year-old male. Well, once upon a time anyway. Go back to 2012 when I was 13, it was December 3rd, and I had finally decided to come out to my parents as gay. I had always known but I always put myself down because of it. 'It's not normal, you're a disgrace to you and your family,' I would always tell myself. But then I met this wonderful guy Dylan, and I finally accepted it and realised that it wasn't as bad as I thought... until I told my parents.

*needless to say, we're no longer together*

I strolled through the door of my house and made myself a cup of tea, like usual. I waited until both my parents were here to tell them at the same time. I guess now would be a good time to give you the background of my family.

My mum: smart, beautiful and extremely loving. She was the best mum I could ever ask for.

Me: geeky/nerdy, lonely and extremely scared.

My dad: ... A drunk, abusive man.

Now, back to where I was, my mum eventually came home and I shielded myself behind her to avoid my dad's on coming rage. I asked them both to sit down, my mum did. My dad however, well let's just say it took us 10 minutes to get him to calm and sit down. When he finally did, I announced, 'mum, dad.... I'm gay.'

To no surprise, my mum just shrugged and said, 'and you think that bothered me why?' I couldn't help but let out a huge sigh of relief, and I gave her the biggest smile I could manage. That was all gone and the weight of the world fell back on top of me when a bottle came flying towards my head and smashing on the wall just inches from my head... I looked towards my so called father, and that's when I knew I'd made the biggest mistake of my life.

He lunged at me, fists clenched, my legs were rooted to the spot, I was too scared to move. That was when the blow hit me, not the realisation my dad hated me, but a physical blow. Before I knew what had happened, I was on the floor, my dad on top of me beating me until I could barely breathe. My mum screamed for him to stop, which he did. Only to jump up, spin round and jump for her, 'YOU DARE DEFEND THIS PIECE OF SHIT!' He screamed in her face. It took all the strength I had to stand up and launch the nearest thing to me at his head. That just so happened to be a heavy ivory ornament. Thud! It had smacked him in the back of his head and knocked him out.

I ordered my mum to go and pack whilst I did the same for me. She hesitated, but then saw the reality and hurried off to find the suitcases. 10 minutes passed and I had packed, my dad was still knocked out on the living room floor. It took my mum a further 30 minutes to pack. I told her to grab her case and run... I was close behind her when I felt something, or rather someone, grab my arm and yank me back. Crash, straight into the wall. My mum tried to run back for me but my father had already dragged my bruised body into the house and locked the door. 'YOU HAVE FUCKED IT BIG STYLE BOY!' Was the last thing I remember hearing before blacking out from pain.

3 years have now passed and I still live with my abusive father. I am slowly saving the money to buy my own house and escape this pathetic excuse of a home. Unfortunately, I only have £9000 saved. The cheapest house I can find close enough for me to get to costs £35,000. Looks like I need to work my arse off to get it, but I will get there, I have to get there.

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