30) I love you Zayn Malik

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Scarlett's POV: 

I ran out of the room and ran down the hallway back to Harry's room. I knocked on the door furiously, tears were streaming down my face. My boyfriend cheated on my. Harry opened the door. His face was neutral but then turned to worry. He pulled my into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked

"Well, I went to Zayn's room because I for got my toothbrush there and Zayn was naked, in bed with the same woman I saw him making out with at the club last night" I say between tears. Then we both hear a door open. We turn our heads to see Zayn, in his boxers. We make eye contact and before he can reach Harry and me, we break the hug and rush into the room and close the door.  I instantly went into the shower. I  just needed to get away from everything. I got of of the shower and let Harry get in. I got dressed and packed up my stuff. I put on some yoga pants and a Pink Tank top. Harry got dressed and then I helped him pack his stuff up. We had to meet in the meeting room and I wasn't looking forward to it. The boys had a concert tonight and they needed to get things ready. Harry and I got there first and waited for everyone to come. After us, Skylar and Niall came. We talked a bit and then Louis and Liam came in. And then last, like usual, Zayn walked in. He sat on the stool in the kitchen instead of on the couch where everyone else was. Nobody said anything. It was kinda awkward. 

"So..." Louis starts to say something but stops

"What are we going to do today before the concert?" Liam asks

"I think that I'm going to take Scarlett and Skylar out." Harry says

"AWWW! REALLY?!" Skylar and I say

"Ya! Definitely!" Harry says

"ok!" Skylar says

"Cool. Can I come?!" Liam asks

"Naw. it's gonna be just us" He says. I look at him curiously and he just looks down at me and smiles. Liam gives a sad look but then wipes it off his face. 

"So what are the rest of us gonna do?" Louis asks

"I don't know. We will figure something out" Liam says. 

"OK, let's go before we run out of time." Louis says . We all get up and I try to leave the room but Zayn blocks the door.

"We need to talk" his says to me

"There is nothing to talk about" I snap back. I try to get past him and I do but he grabs my arm.

"Actually, there is" he says. His eyes look sad. I just wanted to kiss him and tell him that everything was going to be alright but it wasn't  going to be alright. He slept with someone else.

"Don't try to act all sad. You're the one who bloody cheated, you asshole." I say. He's still holding on to me.

"Scarlett, I'm sorry. I was drunk. You did nothing wrong." he whispers to me.

"Apparently i did do something wrong. DID I NOT SUCK ON YOUR DICK ENOUGH!?" I yell and everyone looks at me and I'm really embarrassed. 

"Scarlett, don't say that" Zayn says to me. He looks hurt. I look into his beautiful honey eyes and all i want to do is for him to hold me. I want to tell him I'm sorry. I just went too far.

"...i need to go....we can talk about this later" i say looking at the ground now. I look back up at him and he nods slightly, and lets go of me. I run down the hallway and open the door to Harry's room. I put on some blue tore short shorts, Black chucks, and a navy blue and white tank top that tied in the middle. I was dressed in 5 minutes and I met Harry and Skylar outside the elevator, ready to go out. I had my phone and my wallet with me.

First, Harry took Skylar and me to some seafood restaurant.It was really yummy. Then, Harry took us to some really expensive stores and got me and Skylar new outfits. Zayn was totally off my mind. Harry had Sky and Me try on like 10 dresses each and gave us his opinion on them. He was so much fun to be with. I got two dresses and Skylar got two. We had then went to the movies to see the 21& over. It was so funny. We then had to go back to the hotel cause it was already 4:00 and the boys had to get ready for the concert. We had the limo driver drive back to the hotel and when we got to our floor, I went to Skylar's room cause we needed to talk in private. I told Harry that I would come back to the room when we were done. Skylar opened the door and the room was empty. Everyone was probably in the meeting room. Probably getting ready for tonight. Probably getting Lou ( outfit and hair designer) to help them with their hair.Skylar sat on the bed and I sat across from her.

"You should forgive Zayn" she says


"Because he was drinking" 

"Ya but he was stumbling or stuttering. He was just buzzed. He knew what he was doing when he was doing it" i say

"That doesn't matter."

"Ya it does!" 

"I'm just saying, it might be a good idea. You were sad today."

"I wasn't sad. I wasn't thinking about him at all today."

"That's what you think but I could tell that you miss him"

"Well, i do but I'm not just gonna forgive him. He should forgive ME." 

"i know..but you guys should get back together" she says. I nod my head.

"I know...i have to go now" i say getting up off the bed. I open the door and Zayn is there waiting for me. He looks so beautiful.Like an angel. Skylar was right, I did miss him.

"Can we talk now?" he asks me, and I nod. He leads me across the hall to his room. He opened the door and sat down on the bed. I don't know what they did on that bed so I just stood.

"What do you have to say?" I coldly. He gulped loudly and his face turned a little pale.

"I'm sorry that I cheated on you" 

"That's it!?" i said. I can't believe that was all he was going to say. I was pissed. 

"..and..i totally regret it. I didn't mean for that to happen. It just..happened. And I just don't want this to happen. I love you and I'm sorry baby" Zayn says getting up off the bed and grabbing my shoulders. 

"Scarlett, i love you" Zayn says. He stares into my green eyes and I stare into his honey eyes. We stand there for a little bit. 

"I..love you too but..I can't just..forget and forgive." i say. His eyes turn sad and hurt but he just nods. I turn to the door and leave the room. I start to walk down the hallway back to Harry's room but stop. I turn around and run back to Zayn's room and knock on the door furiously. When he opens it, i throw my arms over his neck and kiss him.

"Zayn, I'm sorry. I love you too. I forgive you" I say after we pull away from our kiss. He smiles and we kiss again. I loved Zayn. Skylar was right. I wasn't the same when I wasn't with him.

                                                                    I love you Zayn Malik

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