Angels Suck

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~Alexandria's Point Of View~

I left with Callum to go and find Death. I needed to tell her that one of her Angels were loose. This was going to ruin the hierarchy in Hell and I was pretty sure that my dad wasn't going to do a single thing about it.

We reached Death's house and made our way up the path. The willow trees that lined the sides were dying. They shouldn't have been dying, it was impossible for them to. We got to the front door and I knocked three times, just like Death had told me to in an emergency. The door opened after a short but agonising wait.

Death appeared before Callum and I with a flustered look on her face and her hair a mess. She gestured for us to follow her inside so we did, going straight into the ballroom. It was an absolute tip. The chairs were slashed and there was drying blood all over. I knew there were some new Recruits but I didn't think they'd be this clumsy.

"Sorry about the mess, I didn't have chance to clean up after the Recruits left." Death tipped the torn sofa back into place and sighed. "What do you want me for?"

"You really need to get Andromedus under control." Callum picked up the pieces of broken chair from in front of him and put them on the table.

"What's he done now?" Death faced Callum and put her hands on her hips. She looked like my mum did before I killed her.

"He's possessed Clark's dad and is going to cause a shit load of damage." Callum's Scottish accent was heavy as he said this, almost enough so that we couldn't understand him. I swear he does that to piss me off.

Death's eyes went wide. "We need to get to Clark. Were is he?" She stormed past us and opened the door, turning back to hear us.

"At his house-" I was cut short as the door slammed behind her. I had no idea what was going on, I had so many mixed emotions, and to top it all off:

I knew that there was only one way that all this could end.


~Clark's Point Of View~

I stood in the doorway for what felt like forever. I was in shock. How could my father be possessed? He was strong enough to fight demons off, I knew that. He had done it before when I was little, so why, after all this time, give in? I could see him smirking in the mirror.

"Clark, come here, your father needs to talk to you." His eyes changed back to his normal shade of blue and tears sprang into them, making them glisten. He turned around and rushed to me, clasping my shoulders in his hands.

"Clark, help me. I don't know what's going on. Please, I'm your father! You have to help me." I clamped my jaw and began to back away from him, shaking my head.

"You're not my father. My father wouldn't cry, he wouldn't beg. He wouldn't be weak in front of me." I felt sorrow rip at my heart, tearing pieces of me away, shredding my happiness to nothing. The man that I once called my father straightened up and laughed, his eyes blackening once more. He wiped his eyes and sniffed.

"My, my. You're not as gullible as I thought you were." With a jolt, I was thrown against the wall, knocking the wind from my lungs. "Maybe you're even stupider than I thought, though." I tried to move but I was glued to the spot.

I could hear Timor barking and scratching at the back door, trying desperately to get in. The front door burst open and the man in front of me smiled. Death, Callum and Alexandria came stumbling in, fire behind their eyes.

"Andromedus, leave him alone!" Death yelled, her voice cracking.

"No. I'm meant to be heir, not him!" The man snapped, glaring at me with ultimate hatred. Callum stepped forward but was thrown back into the hallway, colliding with something. I could

only guess that he had hit something quite hard since he didn't reappear. I struggled against the unseen force holding me but it just tightened it's grip as the man focused his attention onto Death.

"You promised me that I would be heir! You're such a fucking liar!" Blue energy shot from the man's back, producing tatty wings, covered in grey feathers. Oh wonderful. An angel was possessing my father.

The angel in front of me stepped towards Death and she was pulled down towards the ground with such force that I was sure that she would be dead. Alexandria stood there, all the blood drained from her face, staring in horror at the angel. He turned to her and chuckled.

"Aren't you a pretty one. I'll kill you the slowest." He started to walk towards her with a sly grin on his face.

"Leave. Her. Alone." I growled. It was all I could muster since all my energy was being drained by my restraint. The angel whirled around and rushed to me.


"I said leave her alone." I spat at him through gritted teeth. He smiled and pulled out a knife from his pocket. Alexandria sobbed and stepped towards us but the angel stopped her.

"I don't want you getting hurt, sweetheart. You stay there and let the men sort this out." His eyes never left mine as he brought the knife up to my throat and scowled. "See you in Hell." He quickly removed the knife from my throat and plunged it into my heart. The bonds left me as he disappeared. I slumped to the floor and heard Alexandria sob and rush over to me. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around me. I felt blood rise in my throat and I coughed to rid myself of the feeling. The crimson trickled down the side of my mouth and onto my neck.

"You can't die! You're meant to come with me! You're meant to be heir to the throne! You're not meant to die! I can't let you die! No! No no no no no no no! You won't die! You won't..." Alexandria choked out between sobs. I faded out as black spots began to cloud my vision. I was on the edge of giving up when a wail from beside me brought me back into consciousness.

"I love you too much..." She sobbed. "I can't take it! You can't die!" She held me in her arms, cradled me like I was her child. She stroked the hair from my eyes. I could feel my life essence fading away, like a light being taken down a dark and endless tunnel. Her voice was soothing. Just like mother's. Like a feather pillow on a cool summer's night. She was rocking gently. I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as a white glow surrounded me.

I was back home, when father was still there. The crackle of the fire, the laughter of my family. Then there was me. Alone. Even in my own home. Alone. Alone. Alone. The light left me and hurled me back towards reality.

"Bring him back! Bring him back! BRING HIM BACK!" Her voice was muffled, like she was under a thick blanket. I didn't dare open my eyes. I didn't want to see her in pain. I didn't want my last memory to be a bad one.

I felt myself crumble on the inside as the darkness consumed me. Never again would I feel mortal pain. Never again would I suffer at the hands of God.


A/N: It's over guys. Well, this book is. I'm planning a sequel which will explain a lot of things that I have left open in this book. This has been my first real attempt at writing anything serious and I think it turned out okay. If you have any feedback you would like to give me, please feel free to do so.

Thanks for reading :3

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