Pretty Little Girl

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I woke up to find Tom and Travis hooked to the Xbox. They were both playing Team Deathmatch on COD. I laughed at Tom shouting curse words to the screen. He looked my way as he heard me, painting a fake smile on his face.

"Morning!" he uttered quickly, before turning back to the screen. "Fuck!" he shouted before throwing his controller to the ground. 

"Tom, if you don't want to keep dying then maybe you should actually play good." Travis joked. "You're terrible!" 

Tom just huffed. He had always been the competitive type, even if it was just a video game. 

"Enough of the bickering you two, what time is it?" I laughed as I sat myself next to them.

Tom reached for his phone from is pocket and checked, "11am, new record for you!" he playfully announced. I always was one to sleep in. Tour life was always hard though, performing all night, travelling for hours. I had every right to want to sleep.

"Not long till we're in San Diego now I guess." I yawned at the thought.

(A/N: I have no clue about America as i'm from scotland, so if san diego is a million hours away from Las Vegas then im sorry haha, just pretend :P I never did take geography)

Toms eyes lit up, he always loved performing at his home town. I loved how passionate Tom was when it came to music, but also how loyal he was to his family and his hometown. I really admired him and looked up to him for that. I looked up to Tom for a lot of reasons, even if i was older than him.

Tom grew a confused smile, "What?" he tried to fix his hair, then his top thinking that something was out of place. I chuckled at his bewildermint. He still had no idea.

Travis shook his head with a slight smile, like he knew something the rest of us didn't.  "I'm going to  go have a quick shower." he smirked before getting up and moving to the back of the tour bus.

"It's great having you as a friend again", Tom exclaimed now that we were sitting on our own. I wasn't really expecting it, Tom is rarely the serious type. His words meant a lot to me though.

I grew a huge grin, "I guess I could say the same for you." 

* * * *

"Tom, stop eating all the doritos! We need some too!" I moaned as I found yet another packet empty on the floor. "Also, help the cleaners out a bit eh?"

"Quit acting boring. I'm punk so I won't listen anyway." he retored whilst lounging on the couch in the dressing room. He watched to see how I would react. Instead I ignored him and tidyed up myself.

Travis was in the corner of the room, hitting his drumsticks off a table in a quick pattern. We had hours before the show, but nothing to do. Since I was so boring, It was clear that I had to come up with something interesting. Quietly, I left the room without them noticing and found myself searching for the make-up artists. I reached their room, after knocking I let myself in and found two ladies sitting gossiping away with warm cups of coffee in their hands.

"Oh, Mr Hoppus!", Stacey exclaimed surprised to see me. She looked slightly confused since I had came by so early tonight. 

"Don't worry, I've not lost the plot! I know what time it is, do you two think you could do something for me?" I eagerly asked them, rubbing my hands together as I came up with an idea. They both looked interested and as I began to explain my plan.

"You sure about this?" the other girl, Molly, asked with a worried expression on her face.

"Trust me." I winked.

* * * *

I knocked on my dressing room door, hoping Tom and Travis hadn't left while I was gone. I heard footsteps approaching before Tom slowly opened the door. His jaw dropped when he seen me, and suddenly he was laughing with tears running down his cheeks.

"What the fuck!?" he screamed in a fit of laughter. 

"Whats going on?" Travis called from the other side of the room. He quickly made his way to the door to see me, once I was in his view he looked so puzzled. "Why, Mark?" he looked to the ground in dissapointment, but I could see he was desperatly trying to hold back his laugh.

"You know, you look like a fucking hot girl!" Tom yet again laughed. "I'd probably fuck you, if i thought you didnt have a dick."

"Okay, you can both calm down now!" I grinned, "I got Stacey and Molly our make-up artists to give me a makeover. I quite like it."

"I give up!" Travis chuckled before returning back to his spot in the room.

Tom and I both sat ourselves down on the couch, and he surprisingly passed me a packet of doritos. He held his hand to his mouth, still trying to stop laughing. Jokingly I put my arm around him, and Tom lost it again. The best thing about Tom is a can just be myself around him, and he's cool with it. Even if i'm plastered in make-up and "making the move". We've got the strongest friendship anyone could have.

That's what I need to keep telling myself. We're just really really close. It's easy to confuse something for something else. That's where everything went wrong in the past anyway, that and the jealousy. 

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