Are you Muslim, Salafi, Sunni, Maliki, shia,Takfiri, or what?

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Are you Muslim, Salafi, Sunni, Maliki, shia,Takfiri, or what?

>This is a question,now-a-days most frequently asked by our Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

so, i put this article and i request your (readers) opinion. How should i reply them?

This article is written by - Dr. Adel Elsaie

According to Muslim

Statistics, 2004, the

number of Muslims on

earth is 1.562 billion.

See: http://

muslimstatistics.htm Based upon these

Statistics, we are

"supposed" to be strong

Ummah, but the reality

is far from that. One of the main reason

for that is we are

divided into, God only

know how many

groups. And each group

consider themselves the only saved group

out of the 73 groups

that our beloved

Prophet mentioned. There many authentic

Hadith that says

Tawheed is a ticket for

heaven, La Ilah illa Allah

is the most important

sentence in this whole wide word. Allah SWT says in our

holy Quran " Allah does

not forgive being

associated with anyone,

and He forgives

anything less than that" The same Ayah is

repeated twice [Quran

4:48] , [Quran 4:116]

Isn't that enough? Or do

we need Allah to say

the same Ayah 100 times? Definition of Muslims The definition of a

Muslim can be

understood according

to the hadeeth of

Jibreel AKA, more

popularly known as the 'Hadeeth Jibreel', as

narrated by Umar Ibn

Al Khattab, when

Jibreel asked the

Messenger of Allah

about Islam, he answered " Islam is that

you witness that there

is no god but Allah and

that Muhammad is the

Messenger of Allah, and

you establish the prayer, and you give

the Zakat, and you fast

Ramadan, and you

perform the hajj of the

House if you are able to

take a way to it." All Muslims agree on principal matters in Islam. The Foundation of Islam is Shahadah as a declaration of faith. Muslims have one Quran, one Kaabah, and one last prophet. They accept all messengers in the Quran. They pray 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, pay Zakat, and perform Hajj when they can. There are accepted Mazhabs (school of thoughts) in Fiqh (jurisprudence). Every Muslim is free to accept a Mazhab. All Imams of accepted Mazhabs never rejected other Mazhabs. Allah made the Quran and Islam simple, but some people exert much effort to make them hard and confusing, especially when they are making Dawah, or talking to other Muslims. What do we really need after the above Ayah from the Quran, and hadeeth of Jibreel? But some Muslims feel they know our Islam better than Allah, and His Prophet, Wa Aliyaz bi Allah. WE have thousands of Muslim user groups, some promote their own version of Islam. That is OK, but don't accuse other Muslims of being Kafir, Fasiq, Aasi, ....... That is for Allah to decide. Please stop calling other Muslims names. I know that some Muslims will say "Yes we

agree with above Ayah, and Hadeeth" but then they attach one thousand conditions to the above simple definition to exclude many Muslims from Islam. Those are doing like Christians and Jews, when they reject other Christian or Jewish groups. I was talking to a Muslim scholar about this subject, and I asked

him why the Fiqh committee of OIC does not do something about this crisis. He said top Muslim scholars may not agree about the above definition of Muslim. So our top Islamic worldwide scholars are not helping either. Hasbi Allah. Now ask yourself this question? What Would Muhammad say about this situation? I think I can guess. The Salafi will try to convince him that they are the saved sect. The Tahfiri will try to convince him that they are the saved sect. The Shia will try to convince him that they are the saved sect. , .... La Ilah illa Allah. Many Muslims dream about Caliphate. Believe me, I dream about Caliphate too. But if that

happens, this may be a disaster for all of us. We may turn like Iraq, where everyone fights with everyone else. Sunni fights Shia, Sunni fights each other, Shia fights Sunni, shia fights each other, Sunni fights Kurds, as if Kurds are not Muslim. Don't forget

that Salahedeen was Muslim and Kurdish. Or may the Caliphate be a blessing for all of us, and the Caliph can unite this scattered Ummah. Allah knows the best. I am asking all owners and moderators of Muslim user groups and owners of Islamic websites to adopt and promote this simple definition of Muslims as a first step. As Muslims, we should be "moderates", peaceful, and strong, by words and logic, against the critics of Islam and those who dream about destroying Islam. Remember the big disaster when the Tatar invaded Muslim lands, and burned Baghdad, Capital of the Caliphate? What happened to the Tatar? They converted to Islam, and the name Khan became a Muslim name. Subhan Allah. Please tell us your thoughts about this simple definition of a Muslim. I only pray to Allah that I don't start another ideological battle between Muslims.

Amen. Allah is my witness. My intentions are sincere and only for the sake of Allah.

##[Moreover : Today Islam enemies wants to divide us, to put veil on their problem, they want to create same problem with muslims. For E.g. In christianity their are currently THOUSANDS of SECTS , and each sects thinks they are only on correct path. But this is not with us , we have different ideology but our Holy Book is Same , Our Pillars of islam is same and so on while in others belief their basic foundation is different , so rethink ]

For more information read : "Who are the Ahl as- Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah?" at

**Let us unite again for the sake of Almighty Allah**

Thanks. Salam:)

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