Chapter ten:cofession in real life this time

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Killua's pov

"Where am I"I said to no one then something amazing happen some one who's look like me appeared along with a younger version of senshi

"Who are you?"the little girl giggle

"Sorry but mommy and antie said I shouldn't tell you"wait senshi a mom?...WHAT THE FCK!!!!


"Don't call me that!"even in this situation I grew a imagery vein at her

"Okay then I ll call you daddy-san"I blush I mean who wouldn't


"Mommy said I should make you forget about your conversation"


"It will be dangerous for mommy and me,so this fake you will replace until I successfully remove your memories,k!!"this girl is a threat to me

"What do you mean by dangerous"my nail are secretly growing longer just waiting for the right time to stab her

"Sorry Daddy-san but your memories have to go bye~bye"I then all I see is darkness suddenly a painful burn hit me back I scream in agony then another then another then another.........................................................then finally it stop only to get to know the feeling of being torn apart is


Mirai's pov

wow! daddy-san is strong to endured this much pain for my powers,Im so proud of him it so fun meeting someone that can went through to my tortures without dying in the first strike but if mommy finds out that I don't erases daddy-san memories quickly then I'll be dead

"Daddy-san sorry to do this to you but you wouldn't mind do you"I took out a whip covered by my magic and hit him endlessly

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"I giggle at his scream it so cute

"How much can you take daddy-san"then hit him again and again

"Mirai,what the hell are you doing"I turn around facing antie with an innocent face

"I'm torturing him,It's that wrong"I tilted my head looking at her confused

" its not...but senshi doesn't like this kind of activity you better stop and start doing what you were told"she grabbed the replica of daddy-san and disappear completely,I faced daddy-san bloody face and sigh deeply

"Well time to get to work"I aim all my magic in me at him and....strike

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"another bunch of screams

I smile at this

Senshi's pov

"Master"I looked boredly at her while spinning a knife in my hand

"Mirai didnt torture him or did she"she shook her head*sigh*I may just have to punish mirai again

"Get out of my sight"she disappeared quickly after that kurapika pass me by,he didn't sense me because of my nen(sorry I forgot which type can make you forget their presence)

"Oh!what the heck Im bored anyway"I stand up from my sit and followed kurachu

"Hey kurachu!!!"I yell in his ear he flinced big time while I smirk amusingly

"How many times do I have to say before you stopped calling me by nicknames"

"About 1000 zillions"

"Zillion is not a real quantity"

"Jokes on you kurachu I searched it in a dictionary!!which means you wrong,who's the smart one now!!"I laughed victoriously while pointing my pointing finger at him (again I forget the name of that,I'm getting stupid by the day,blame the awesomeness of anime it's poisoning my brain-

Senshi:stop cutting stupid you're ruining the mood!!

Geez you have no right to say that to your creater

Senshi:whatever just stop talking your bad breath is leaking

How dare you!!!!!

Probably what you readers are thinking

Stop this pointless argument!!!!

Author/senshi:geez fine *mumble sonething*)


"Sorry I was out of the universe for a moment"



"Okay"clearing his throat and I just now realizing that we are outside of the..........okay I forget again were just outside staring at the view the atmosphere seems serious but calming in the same time

"Senshi your different from everyone"I stare at his eyes faking confusion

"What kind of different?"

"Honestly I dont know,it just feel different I don't even know why"he stare at me with a small smile,plus the breeze in this face and the moonlight shine he..he looks....he looks so handsome,

"You're just different and I can't understand it but............. I think Im in love"blush spread to my face,

"W-w-wha-what"I said quitely I feel like crying he cant I was wrong he didn't know,he didn't know,he didn't even fucking notice I felt tears flowing out of my eyes I cant take it anymore

I ran

It the only thing I know

I ran,and ran till Im all alone

"What the fuck did I do!!!"I yelled

I don't want him to know not now at least

I cant handle the guilt of what I did to the kurta,to his kind,to our kind

"How could I be so naive"a bittersweet smile spread in my face

"To think once I came here every would be fine"I laugh weakly

It's to late to back down now

I need to leave,before it is necessary to kill kurapika

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