Chapter eleven:Im scared

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Senshi's pov

"I need to go..."thought stading up and walking at the edge of this airship one step and it be over I will go back

"Here we go......"


Gon's pov

"SENSHI!!"I yelled her eyes widen in the site of me,only one step till she fall I can't let her do this after what she did to me I won't let her

"Gon....."her eyes suddenly get teary as then she smile

"I'm sorry but I need to go"she close her eyes and let her body fall forward

"I WONT LET YOU!!"without thinking I jump in to cath her

"DONT BE STUPID!!!"I yelled hugging her closed to me


"Gon..."she looked at me

"Gon.....please let me go...."I shooked my head harshly

"NO!!"I hugged her tighter I see the ground nearing I prepare for the impact but it never came

Kurapika's pov

"What was I thinking!"

I should have....I should have think to how she's gonna react to this,and to think I may have lose my chance to be her friend......

"DAMN IT!!!"I hammered my fist into the rail of the airship making a dent

"I'm so stupid........."my hair covered my eyes,when tears are threatening to fall

"Are you kurapika..."

"hey"I clench my fist pulling myself together..

"You never been in love,do you"I looked up next to me and saw a boy with brown hair and eyes staring at a distance

"It hurt doesn't it"I wiped the remaining tears in my eye and was about to walk away when he spoke

"You don't need to coat a broken heart with isolation it will only get wrost,trust me I been there"I scoffed

"I don't need your advice"

"Hmmm...for a broken hearted guy who lost almost everything,I'm surprised you still have a heart to love and trust your friends,it kinda funny that everything you love seem to taken away so easily,it's almost as if fate was torturing you"



" the hell do you know"he smiled and hold on to my blade

"First could you please remove you're sword from my abdomen it making a mess on the floor"I stayed silent

"I'll tell you how"

"Fine...."he wiped the blood from his hands as stare at the sky again

"I've seen it..I see your clan be killed by the phantom troupe through the hour glass how their screams filled your ears-"

"Shut up...."he stare at me his abdomen was healed and his eyes were cold as ice so as mine

"Senshi has the same beautiful scarlet eyes as you"

Gon's pov

"Gon...."I opened my eyes the atmosphere seems different here

"Where are we?why there so many clocks"it all there is to this place

"This place it's called the hour glass"

"Hour glass?"she nodded then sit down with her knees up I sat beside her

"What are you trying to do back then"I ask but...half of me just wanted to leave it be I don't........

"I was trying to die"I clench my first

"Im sorry gon but I cant handle the guilt anymore I thought I could. Take it but- "

"WHAT THE HELL!!"I yelled

"You couldn't just tell people that you wanted to die and just expect them to just sit here!!!"my eyes darken and so was hers we were covered in silence for a moment

"Why can't you just say the truth..... I know you're laying......please"my voice broke in the end I put my face between my fold up legs

"I'm scared if I told you the truth you wouldn't see me the same anymore"I clech my fist harder

"Are we not friends......."at this point tears were forming in the corner of my eyes


"Then why can't you tell me,friends shouldn't lie to eachother it hurts more if that friend who lied is you want to know hurts so much....because....because I'm scared....I'm scared because what if......what if everything you said was a lie..........Am I o-only inlove in a made up person"I can hold it anymore I cried

She just stare at me

She just stare...........that's the only thing she did

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