Chapter one:the traitor that run away

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Senshi's pov:

"Sen wake up it's time for us to go"

"Lucy why are you here"

"Well somebody needs to wake you up but apparently your exceed is untrustworthy"

"Hehe SoRry sen-chan"

"It's okay big sis you need to go back home"


"The-"just then natsu came in though the window great timing dude!? I thought sarcastically

"Sen,lucy let's go the guild is a riot today"

"You go ahead I'll catch up with you later"she nodded and went to the guild with natsu while me and scar stay

"Senshi are you sure this will work"I nodded

"We got no choice we have to brow it up or it won't appear let's go scar"scar nodded he pick up the unstable lacrama and went to the four strongest guilds of fiore

++++TIME SKIP++++

"That's the last of it the only one left is fairy tail"we ran side by side to fairy tail this better work or I wont be able to open it and god knows how hard I try build it

"We're here senshi-san"

"you go in the back I distract them"she nodded and fly at the back
while I go in

"SEN!!!!levy came to me she was a little older than me well she's fifteen while I'm five but she always say that I think to mature for my age

"Well I'm going to ask if you could help me with something it's down at the basement"my eyes widen

"Why didn't we just do it here"she shook her head darn her

"Because the beer is down there and mira needs it now..."

"Alright Fine"we went to the basement as soon as the door closes I knock her out and use one of the lacrama magic to escape

"Sen everything is on set"scar can use telepathy magic

"Send the guilds flying"just as plan four giant explosion happen the people are panicking natsu was absorbing the fire and I see big sister lucy covered in fire scar arrived just in time carrying the four legendary books of the guilds

"Let's go sen we don't have much time-"


"What!"I said coldly to her

"Why the hell did you blow up the guild"

"I already have what I need I don't need the guild anymore,titania"my voice was cold and emotionless so is scar expression

"You monster don't you know how many people die!!!"

"I don't care people are just pawns"she seem frustrated that's good

"How could you say that how could you blow up you're home your family!!!"

"They're not my family nor home I can tell many of you despite me or some were disgusted by me so I'm running away"I said I see her flustrated face one last time then use the lacrama to teleport again to the red rocks canyon

"Senshi pace one is complete and pace two how are we going to activate it"

"Like this"I made the four books of the guilds float using my powers they seem to glow and spin faster and faster

"open the gates of the future!!!god of time let the clock spin faster than light"like magic everything turns old and brake the canyon were suddenly filled with many people

"STOP!"everything seems to move normal now

"Senshi this is amazing!!"scar yelled making everyone look at her in horror what?! they never seen an exceed before

"MONSTER!!!"I guess not they started to pull out spears and sword where do they get that anyway?the future is weird

"SCAR RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!"Scar grad me and lift me up in the air there I see the red rocks canyon it didn't change much after 10000 years we finally landed on a hill staring at the seating sun

"We finally did it senshi we finally have a chance to get to see them"I smile at her she still have a lot to learn about them but I'm happy that she cares for them

"Yeah we will but we still have a long way to go"I just look at the seating sun thinking about what I did today those sceam will haunt my dreams for sure

"Hey senshi dont feel sad I made sure that no one will die they just have heavy or light injuy"

"Thank that feel so much better I wish we could stay like this not worrying what we'll do in the future"she nodded we hear people talking caming closer naturally scar lift me up and put me on a tree

"Did you hear the hunter exam is opening again this year"

"Yeah how old are the people in there I mean what is the age requirement"

"I think it starts at twelve don't think of joining that you'll get killed the people in there are brutal and crazy"

"I guess you're right but the hunter license can take you anywhere and buy you anything and it can have access to top secret information like the guilds and magic the once existed"so the wizard are extinct now guess I couldn't use magic that will put me and scar in danger and the eye of the hunters

"You and your wild imagination dude those thing are just legends"

"You hear that sen let's take the hunter exam in 6 years"she whispered

"Yeah on the mean time let pratice our magic and combat skills"we both frist bump and smile at eachother and just stare at the sunset again

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