22 Amusement.... And More Asumement

Start from the beginning

        "How would you feel about going to an amusement park?" I ask. Her eyes glittered in excitement.

        "Really?" She asks. I nod my head in excitement. "Yes! That's awesome!" She said. I run out the door, while dragging her behind me.

        "Come on bro! Let's go!" I say. She laughs and and tries to keep up with me. Just before I could fully make it to my car, I get an idea.

''I'll race you!" I yelled as I started to sprint to my car. I heard her say a 'what?' before she quickly caught on and started to chase after me to the car.

I jump in the car and buckled up before she also hops in the car.

        "How did you even get in here so fast?" She asks with a giggle.

        "With my hero powers!" I say and start to take off to the amusement park.

It didn't take too long, since I know all the shortcuts there.

As soon as we exited the car, we raced each other to the entrance. She was super fast! Like, Speed, fast. I didn't stand a chance. She waited by the entrance.

        "What took you so long, slowpoke?" She asked. I pouted.

        "No fair! I was only two seconds behind you! How did you even run that fast anyways?" I asked. She sent me a wink.

        "With my hero powers." She said. I rolled my eyes playfully and followed her in the amusement park.

We decided to go on the scariest roller coaster first... Well, more like I dragged her.

We sat in line for a couple of minute for the Death Plunger.

I dragged her to the very front of the roller coaster so we would have front row seats.

We sat down and I felt her start to shake like a leaf. I laugh and pat her shoulder.

        "Hahaha! It's not that bad!" I say. She shot me a glare.

        "If I die, I'll make sure I come back to haunt you." She said. "I know you're afraid of ghosts, so that makes it 10x better." She declared. I laugh more.

We felt the Roller coaster start to move and she grabbed onto my arm. "This is your fault!" She screech while clinging onto me tighter. I laugh more. I didn't mind that she held onto my arm.

We slowly made our way to the very top with her looking like she was about to face death itself. Since we were the very front, we hung a little bit off the edge that went almost straight down.

Before we even went over the edge she started to scream and thrash. looking like she just witnessed a murder. I laughed even harder at her scared face. I could tell that if it wasn't for her so terrified, she'd be yelling at me.

In a matter of seconds, we started to go rocket speed down the roller coaster. I laugh like a manic as I hear (Y/N) screaming her heart out as we start to turn corners and go into loops. After a couple of seconds, I hear her start to laugh a little bit.

Soon we were both laughing like psychos throughout the whole ride. When it ended, we hopped off and continued laughing our asses off. We ended up having to sit on a bench to calm down.

After a while we finally calmed down.

        "It wasn't so bad, now was it?" I say. She rolled her eyes and lightly punched my shoulder.

        "Don't think I won't get you back for that, or for kidnapping me." She says.

        "Suure. Like you would actually do something to me." I tease while poking her. She scoffs.

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