21 Kidnapping Can Be Fun, Right?

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(H/C)= Hair colour

(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Name

(S/T)= Skin tone

(H/L)= Hair length

(F/S)= Favorite song

((More swearing! Hooray!))

((Your POV:))

I woke up to the sweet sounds of bird chirping and a snoring Romano. 

I shot awake, a little startled before I remembered that Feli and Romano took me to Italy yesterday. I looked down to my stomach to see Feli holding on to me and using my stomach as a pillow and Romano was laying next to me, holding on to me so I didn't fall off the couch. I smiled and carefully slipped out of their iron grips. They seemed to look a little agitated by the loss of warmth, but soon found each other and ended up snuggling up to each other. I snickered a little bit and grabbed my phone to take a couple of pictures. You kind of made a habit of taking pictures of everyone as soon as you got here. But I mean, who wouldn't? This is a once in a lifetime chance to see your favorite characters in real life. If you were to randomly show back up to your world again, you wouldn't have any proof of any of this happening, so better safe than sorry. 

You walk to the kitchen and set your phone down on the counter. Better make some breakfast... 

You open up the fridge and start to peer inside. I guess I could make eggs. I hope they don't mind. 

You pull out the eggs and set them down on the counter, next to the sink. A window was over the sink, allowing you to look outside. The sky was still a little orange from the sunrise and you could see some civilians start to walk around. But what caught your eye the most was the unknown car parked in front of the house. You raise your eyebrow a little and just wave it off. Geez, you see one car and you get paranoid. Some people just want to park (Y/N). You think sarcastically to yourself. 

As you were about to crack some eggs open and start breakfast, you heard someone enter the house. You start to panic but then calmed down. I'm sure that Feli and Romano locked the door. Whoever entered must be allowed in. Maybe it's Spain? It's Spain. Who else would come here? Maybe Germany? Ah, oh well. 

You turn back towards the eggs and start to cook them for everybody and some for Spain or Germany. Whoever showed up will get eggs. You cracked open the eggs and began to cook them. That is until someone threw a brown sack over you. 

Before you had time to react, the person threw you over their shoulder and started to run. OH FUCK NO! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM? I AM (Y/N) MOTHERFUCKING (L/N)! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KIDNAP ME!!!! 

You were scared out of your wits but the feeling of anger got to you better. Before the person reached the door, you started kicking and thrashing around like a mad man. You felt the person drop you and you let out a scream. Or tried, that is. As soon as the person dropped you, you were about to let out an ungodly loud scream, but the person hurried and covered your mouth. You started thrashing around, kicking what ever came into contact, and trying to get out of the damn bag off of your upper part of your body. You think you heard the person trying to say 'Sorry' and 'Shhh be quiet' but you were too busy trying to save yourself and trying to get out of this bag. If this person is going to kidnap you, you're going to put up a fight. 

You felt the person lock their arms around you and keeping their hand on your mouth. They lifted you up and they started to run out of the house, while you were still thrashing and trying to scream. You heard the person opening something and then felt yourself being shoved into a car. At least they had the decency to not put me in the trunk... 

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