"Here?" I squeak and he nods, a blush taints my cheeks when he stands, still only wearing the Calvin Klein boxers. "I should go."

"You don't have to if you don't want to" his words surprise me. "He's harmless, he won't do anything" I nod, am I really ready to meet Xavier's older brother? "I'm just going to freshen up, there's food in the fridge if you're hungry."


For some reason I decide to stay a little longer, part of me is nervous to meet Noah but another side of me is extremely intrigued to see what he looks like and what he's like. He and Xavier obviously had a horrible childhood but he doesn't sound like he's been affected by it as much as his little brother has.

Xavier's just making his way back downstairs, changed and a little more cleaned up when the front door opens. The man who walks in looks so similar to Xavier, the brotherly resemblance is obvious. Noah has the same strong jawline and nose, actually, most of their features are nearly identical. The slight difference between the two would be that Noah is slightly taller than Xavier, plus is hair is a slightly darker shade and it's a little longer, his eyes are darker too. A smirk rest on his pink lips as he stares at the two of us, he looks like a charmer, it's clear to see why women would fall at his feet.

"I never thought I'd see the day my little brother would have a girl in his apartment" The smirk stays on Noah's lips as he walks towards me, wearing all black like Xavier does. "It's a pleasure to meet you" he takes my hand and brings my knuckles to his lips, kissing them softly.  "How did my fugly brother manage to find someone as beautiful as you?"

"Charming Noah, really" Xavier pulls me back towards him quickly, sending a dry look towards his brother as he does so. "You get sleazier every time I see you."

"And you get more and more like an old women" Noah replies, the smug expression still on his face as he eyes his younger brother. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

Xavier glances down at me before looking up at him, the title sounds weird. Especially since we're not actually boyfriend and girlfriend. "Grace this is Noah, Noah this is Grace."

"Hi" I smile shyly at him, unsure of why Xavier didn't correct the girlfriend part. Noah returns my smile, hands dug deeply in his jean pockets as he leans against the bench.

"I heard about Sam, he was a decent guy."

"Thanks for making the effort to come to his funeral" Xavier answers as Noah groans dramatically, rolling his hard eyes like a young child.

"I was in Vegas" he complains. "I'm sorry I'm not as perfect and organised as you are with my time but man, have you not seen the girls over there? I'm telling you,  they're - "

"You're such a selfish moron" Xavier's voice doesn't change although his words are harsh. "Would it have killed you to come home a day earlier?"

"I'm not the good guy here remember" he doesn't seem affected by Xavier's words. "Besides, I don't think Sam liked me that much anyway."

"Why not?" Xavier asks sarcastically, narrowing his bloodshot eyes. "You're such a nice guy."

"Oh haha funny boy" Noah helps himself to the fridge, pulling out the carton of juice and drinking it straight from the bottle. "Grace, has tough guy Xavier over here ever told you that he use to sleep with a stuffed teddy bear every night until he - "

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