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A soft breeze ruffled my hair, causing my eyes to flutter open. A strong odor entered my nostrils, causing it to twitch. I scrunched up my nose. I lifted my head up from the ground, realizing I wasn't laying on the ground.

             My head was resting on Eugene's thigh. I reeled away from him as if I had touched something hot. How did I end up there? I asked myself. Hussain was gone, making fear creep its way into me. Where had he gone? Hunting, probably. But he might be in danger.

     I climbed to my feet, brushing away twigs and dead leaves from my tangled hair. All of my weapons on my waistband clanked loudly against each other. I winced and looked over at Edwin. He hadn't even move an inch. My cape was still on me, flowing behind as another gust of wind blew my way. The sun was up, shining down through the trees.

                          Eugene laid near the charred twigs we used for a fire the night before. His ruffled hair was all over the place, some of his curls falling over his eyes. I caught myself smiling before making myself stop. He only needed our help to survive. Nothing more. After that, we would get rid of him. One less mouth to feed.

           I frowned. I didn't like the way my mentality was changing but it was true. I only cared for me and what's left of my family. It was Eugene's fault for leaving his town. A low snicker came from behind me. I turned around and noticed Aspen staring at me with curious brown eyes. I walked over to him.

"Hi boy." I whispered, stroking his cheek gently. He whined loudly, throwing his head back. I walked over to his saddle and opened the pocket. I grabbed an apple and gave it to him. Without hesitation, Aspen snatched the apple from my hand and chomped down on it, core and all.

               "Feeling better?" I asked, rubbing his mane. Aspen snorted softly. I realized Jax was gone as well. I grinded my teeth. Who knew if Hussain was dead or hunting.

"You're a real softy, huh?" Said a voice behind me, causing me to jump. I glanced over my shoulder. "I don't know this, softy definition." I told Eugene. He walked over to me. "Where are you from?" He asked.

"I come from further south."

Eugene inhaled a big breath. "Have you been running away from the rebels?" He asked, his light eyes filled with curiosity. I scoffed. "No. Why would the rebels bother Nomads? We've been running away from the government. The same reason as you. Soldiers came into our territories, trying to force us to go to war. They even kidnapped children." I said, my voice growing quiet at the last statement.
            Mom. I shoved that thought away. Eugene frowned. "What's your name?" He asked, snapping me from my thoughts. "What?"

"You still haven't told me your name." He said.


I spun around at the sound of Hussain. He casually walked toward me. I stormed over to him. Jax ran behind him. I punched him in the shoulder hard, causing him to shriek in pain before I have him a brief hug. "You scared me, Hussain! I had a heart attack. Never do that again!" I yelled, looking at my brother's eyes.

                  Hussain chuckled, stumbling back as I shoved him. "Sorry, sanka. I was just hunting for you." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right." I muttered. Jax circled us, barking loudly. Hussain held up two squirrels and a fish. "You're getting better, I'll give you that. But not as good as me." I teased. Hussain snorted. "You wish."

       I heard a moan to my left. I glanced over and noticed Edwin stirring from his sleep. His hair was still tied back in a ponytail. His handsome face was filled with dirt. His eyes looked around lazily until they found Eugene. "Who is this?" He mumbled, pointing to him.

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