Do You See What We've Done?

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Ava's P.O.V.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and stared in the mirror, feeling the hole inside me begin to expand. I stared at the ground for a minute before I sighed and grabbed my phone, slipping on my shoes. I needed to visit the shop. I talked to my friend Erin who gave me the keys to head inside since they were closed that day. I walked into the living room and saw Brian and Alex sleeping on the pull out mattress. I opened the door quietly and began walking down the road, taking in the cool air and soothing breeze.

A few cars passed by me as I walked into the little shopping center that the store was located in. A few cars were parked, but none of them for the music shop. I approached the door and smiled to myself, distant memories sinking in once again. I pulled the key out of my bag and unlocked the door, stepping inside. It was slightly warm, and as I reached for the light switch, I saw that they had replaced the old yellow register.

The lights illuminated the rest of the shop and I gazed at all of the records, smiling to myself. I had missed it so much, and coming back seemed like a dream to me. I walked through the aisles and glanced at a few CDs, picking one to play over the speakers. I went to the back and up the old stairs to the staff room, walking over to the large music player.

I took the disc out of its case and put it in the player, pressing play. I grinned once I heard the music echo throughout the shop. I walked back to the main room and glanced at all of the new shipments that had come in.

I almost didn't hear the little bell of the front door ring, but it caught my attention and caused me to jump in my place. I walked to the front of the store, checking my phone to see if Lynn had called me at all. "Sorry, we're not open," I said, just before looking up and stopping in my tracks.

A familiar face greeted me, causing the blood to drain from my face. My phone slipped from my hands and hit the floor, the noise seeming to echo throughout the store.

"Hey, Ava. It's been a while."


Lynn's P.O.V.

I stormed through the hallway and out of Jess's front door, ignoring the exclaims and questions coming from Brian and Alex. Jess had gone out to get something from the store, so I walked down the street aimlessly, not sure where to go. Frustration pulsed through my veins and I stopped for a moment, my jaw clenched. Angry tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them away forcefully, not wanting to admit I had probably been wrong earlier. I huffed and sat down on the ground, burying my face in my hands. I hadn't meant to be so mean to Ava. I just didn't know how to admit how wrong I was. I needed to apologize to her, but I didn't know how. Would she even forgive me?

I didn't know what to do, so I walked through the neighborhood for quite a while, gazing at the houses and decorations in everyone's front yards. I don't know how long it had been before I turned around, wondering if Ava would still be at Jess's.

I called her phone but got no reply.

I called Brian, too. He said she wasn't there. I began to worry, wondering where she could have possibly gone. Then I remembered the old music shop. I knew she had to be there. I ran out the front door and down the street, trying to remember where the old building was.

By the time I reached it, I was out of breath, but I noticed the lights were on inside, and I hoped that Ava was still there. I walked up to the door and peered through the window. My eyes landed on Ava, sprawled across the floor with a blond haired girl standing above her. The blood drained from my face as I threw open the door, running inside.

"Ava!" I yelled, pushing the girl to the side. I slid across the floor and held her arm before looking up at the girl. "Did you do this? Who the hell are you?!!" I yelled, standing up to look at her. The girl glared at me and I felt panic creep into my veins, before anger and disgust over powered my other senses. "She hasn't told you about me? You'd think she would, huh? I'm Emily," she hissed, taking a step toward me. 

"Did you fucking touch her?" I growled, standing up straight. "What's your concern? She's a fucking whore who left me for you," the short haired girl spat. I felt her eyes pierce my skin like knives as my hands curled into fists. 

"Get the fuck out of here, and don't you dare come back," I demanded, pushing her backwards. She huffed and pushed me to the ground, her eyes like black holes burning a hole in me. "What are you going to do, huh? Who are you anyway? If you think you're important to her, just wait and see. She'll toss you out like garbage and leave you to fucking rot," she spat, lowering herself to my level. I pushed her back so that I was on top of her, hatred pulsing inside of me.

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Come back here. Get the hell out. Get out NOW!" I screamed, taking her by the collar and pushing her toward the door. I shoved her into the window and she turned around to punch me in the jaw. I fell back, my vision blurry and hazy. I felt her foot meet my side and I screamed in agony, pain shooting up and down my spine. I spat out blood, watching as it stained the tile beneath me.

I gathered all the strength I could and pulled myself up, crashing into her. I elbowed her in the stomach before running her into a shelf, causing her lip and nose to bleed.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, before punching her as hard as I could, then pushing her out of the door. I fell to the tiled floor, not knowing where she had gone or if Ava was okay. Time stood still as my vision blurred once again before everything went black, leaving all of my questions unanswered. 

Okay what the fuck was this?? I added Emily in because I never put in what she did in Ghosts haha. So you should find out next chapter, if you remember Ava mentioning her :P

- tyler

QOTD: What is the name of the song that this chapter is titled after?

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